Marie-France Boyer

Marie-France Boyer

Рождение : 1938-04-22, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France


Marie-France Boyer (born 22 April 1938 in Marseille) is a French actress, singer and the author of many internationally published non-fiction books on France. She appeared from 1959 until 1976 in more than a dozen feature films and several TV shows. During her career as actress she worked with many directors, among them François Villiers, Henri Verneuil, Agnès Varda, Riccardo Freda, Luc de Heusch, John Krish and Gilles Grangier. Marie-France Boyer also had the female leading part in the TV series Quentin Durward, playing Isabelle de Croye, whose fate becomes a subject of dispute between the duke of Burgundy and the king of France. As a part of this role, she sings two medieval songs. Isabelle's beauty and loveliness inspire the protagonist to surpass himself, and when he is finally offered high positions at either ruler's courts, he refuses both because he prefers to live by her side. In 1967, she participated in screen tests for the search of the new male actor for the figure of James Bond in the film On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Source: Article "Marie-France Boyer" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Marie-France Boyer


Piège blond
Film shot in subjective camera, often in voice-over which tells the love affair of the blonde Yselle, surprised by her extremely jealous and very possessive husband.
The Man Who Had Power Over Women
A successful talent agent enjoys the good life until his wife leaves him. Moving in with his friend and igniting an affair with the man's wife, he also acquires a difficult new client whose public image must be preserved at any cost.
Sin with a Stranger
François, a journalist, is approached on the train home by pretty a blonde. She leaves at the same station as him and follows him until he ends up inviting her to his house.
The Unknown Man of Shandigor
Crazed scientist Herbert Von Krantz invents a device to sterilize all nuclear weapons, and a mad herd of rival spies desperately try to get their hands on it.
Thursday We Shall Sing Like Sunday
A bitter-sweet story of a young sales assistant and a truck driver trapped between their dreams and the economic depression.
Suzanne Laroque
Франция, 1871 год. Промышленника Роже Ларока обвиняют в убийстве, которого он не совершал. Его осуждают на длительный срок, жена умирает от горя, оставив дочь на попечение родственников. Ларок совершает побег, забирает с собой дочь и отправляется в Америку. Спустя 14 лет Роже возвращается во Францию, чтобы оправдать свое честное имя и разоблачить настоящего убийцу..
Émilie Savignard
Муж-столяр влюбляется в молодую служащую почты и забывает на время о своей жене, дочери и сыне, но потом возвращается в лоно родного очага, вернее, где он испрашивает милостивого прощения у дражайшей супруги.
Уик-энд в Зюйдкоте
1940-й год, два июньских дня из жизни французских солдат, брошенных собственными генералами и союзниками-англичанами у берега Ла-Манша под Дюнкерком. Их нещадно расстреливают мессеры, мочат из дальнобойных орудий, а они пытаются спасти свою, нужную только им самим жизнь! Не многие могут остаться людьми до конца…