Simona Cavallari

Simona Cavallari


Simona Cavallari


African Dreamers
AFRICAN DREAMERS is a documentary on five African girls at a significant transition in their lives. Five young women who live in four African countries that so many people leave, in the search for a better life. Wangare and Grace, Deborah, Marveille and Mariam have decided to stay and try to change their difficult lives. They fight against prejudice, old beliefs, violence and ancient cultures that far too often violate the universal human rights. Through dusty roads, shanty towns and breathtaking landscapes, their stories have approached us. Faced with life’s problems, big and small, each one of them is trying to reach her dream. A dream of redemption.
Roma criminale
Codice Aurora
Margherita Borboni
Love in the Mirror
In 17th century France, a theater troupe is allowed by its patron to go to Paris to produce an erotic play. The head of the troupe dreams of fame while his wife, the leading actress, and a new leading girl fall for each other.
Before the Sunset
a young and charming immigrant, is about to marry the daughter of the underworld boss he works for. The ceremony is ready, but at the last moment Ali decides not to show up, and flees from Hesse, his countryman hopelessly in love with him. The two young lovers hide in a hotel waiting for the sunset to be able to reach the airport and escape forever. With Ninni Bruschetta.
Amiche davvero!!
A week in the life of Claudia e Francesca and all their friends.
Bakunin's Son
Based on a novel of Segio Atzeni. By a lot of interviews, usualy contradictory, it discovers the many lifes of Tullio Saba, a Sardinian miner, thief, singer, union organizer, rebel...
Giulia (segment "Catene")
Very rare Italian horror anthology from 1994, starring amongst many others, Asia Argento. This Italian movie is an anthology based with no linking material, only that all of the stories have a horror/suspense/surreal theme. The stories are diverse, ranging from routine stories with twist-endings to social satire. The directing styles are equally as eclectic - compare the frenetic Peter Jackson-style opening segment, Our Guys Are Coming to the surrealistic, dreamlike qualities of Outlook.
The Butterfly's Dream
La ragazzina
This European existential drama utilizes complex symbols inspired by abstract psychological theories to explore the effects and reasons behind a young classical actor's decision to stop talking. No one knows why Massimo has vowed to stop talking. Other than speaking dialog from classical plays, Massimo refuses to say a single word. His father, a classic-literature professor believes it reflects to a disappointing love affair. His new girlfriend thinks Massimo is rebelling against his mother, a poet. A director learns of Massimo and commissions his mother to write a play about him. Though Massimo plays himself in the play, and does speak, he returns to silence when the play is finished.
Реквием для голоса и фортепиано
Андрэа, штатный пианист ночного клуба, влюбляется в Риму - девицу с весьма тёмным прошлым. Пытаясь ей помочь, он соглашается на ограбление, в результате которого Рима убивает охранника и исчезает. По ходу расследования подозрение падает на мужчину, внешне похожего на Андрэа и он вынужден покинуть город. Вернувшись через много лет женатым профессиональным музыкантом, ему придётся снова встретиться с Римой...
18 anni tra una settimana
The Kaltenbach Papers
Sharon Kaltenbach
Three nuclear warheads, the ultimate weapon for terror, blackmailing and mass destruction, are on their way to their final destination in North Africa. Two journalists, Tom Severin and his wife Eva, together with Sharon, weapon dealer Kaltenbach’s daughter, try to stop the deadly cargo.
Гадкий дядя
На голову богатого, но закомплексованного Джанкарло Джаннини неожиданно сваливается пожилой дядя Витторио Гассман, попавший в больницу и указавший его адрес. Дядя, не просто непорядочный, но и чрезвычайно похотливый — перед тем, как ему стало плохо, он приставал к девочкам в кинотеатре. Старый негодник ставит всю жизнь племяша на уши — он соблазняет его любовницу, и это еще цветочки!.
Una vittoria (TV)
Il mistero del panino assassino
The Bride Was Beautiful
The teenage boy, Giuseppe, lives with his mother in Cammarata, a Sicilian mountain village. His father left the family years ago, and has since then settled down as a guest worker in West-Germany and established a family. Under local moral rules, Maria is a so-called "white widow", who must stay faithful to her husband even if he never returns to her again. Maria and the newly arrived young doctor fall in love with each other. Their happiness is frowned upon not only by Giuseppe, but the entire village as well as the distant husband.
Связь через пиццерию
Cecilia Smedile
Мирный американец сицилийского происхождения по имени Марио владеет пиццерией в Бруклине. Марио не знает горя, но однажды мафиозная семья призывает его в Палермо. Здесь владелец кафе узнает, что ему уготовлена роль наемного убийцы. Отказаться невозможно. Слабое утешение - высокий гонорар, обещанный за исполнение. Марио дает согласие и отправляется по указанному адресу, но по пути заходит в дом своих обедневших родственников. Он пытается уговорить своего брата Микеле стать соучастником убийства.