Silvie Michajlova


Two new flatmates are not even looking for an exit from the lockdown - which becomes more of a backdrop outside the windows of a one-bedroom Prague apartment. Shot on an ever present handheld camera, the reality of the (non)passing time of the pandemic slowly reveals itself. As the protagonists mutually confess and unmask each other over past unfulfilled relationships, we witness how they naturally complement one another in the household. The look inward, at ordinary events, gradually transforms the apartment into an autonomous world of imagination and song. The film thus serves as a manifesto of creation as an escape from an otherwise closed-up world. With giddy exaggeration, the emerging friendship opens up more general questions of the human need for social interaction and sharing life.
Два корабля
Психолог Элишка и музыкант Мартин знакомятся на дне рождения. Элишка решает пригласить Мартина на свою лекцию. Так начинается история любви.
Молодой норвежский путешественник грезит об открытии неизведанных полярных земель. В погоне за мечтой и грандиозными свершениями герой жертвует всем: семейными узами, дружбой, любовью всей жизни. Взамен он получает ледяные пустыни, бездонные трещины, нечеловеческий холод, метели и вечную мерзлоту.
The Christmas King: In Full Armor
Line Producer
An evil lord, eager to rule the Valley of Knights, steals a magic suit of armor and is determined to hunt down the young queen for the missing part, the snow-making glove. But two courageous kids from our world are coming to her rescue.