Mrs. Aaron
Life has its downs for James, living with his mom in Chicago at 39, an aging performer at Second City, eating and weighing too much. A woman he's been dating drops him, as does his agent, her brother. James turns down roles in local TV, roles that make him sad. Someone's remaking his favorite movie, "Marty," a role he'd love, but he doesn't even get an audition.
Dr. Mildred Wickes
Когда умирает известный продюсер, «выпестованные» им фолк-музыканты решают дать единственный совместный концерт, отдавая дань памяти безвременно ушедшего учителя. Выступление становится их возрождением, преодолением забвения и началом новой музыкальной жизни…
Neighborhood Lady
A couple who both work at wedding receptions encounter complications when they decide to marry.
Mrs. Pearson
A Los Angeles radio-station manager's girlfriend shows his teenage daughter how to be sexy.
Agent Constance
Lacey, the shaken survivor of a bloody supernatural rampage in the countryside, is flown to Los Angeles where a slick movie producer plans to cash in on her story. At a decadent Hollywood party, plans for the beginning of a new horror movie franchise are torn asunder when a fragment of the original haunted mirror turns these hotshot movers and shakers into screamers and quakers!
Health is set at a health food convention at a Florida luxury hotel, where a powerful political organization is deciding on a new president.
Brooks Wilson is in crisis. He is torn between his wife Selma and two daughters and his mistress Grace, and also between his career as a successful illustrator and his feeling that he might still produce something worthwhile.