Bruno Torrisi

Bruno Torrisi


Bruno Torrisi


Tutto per mio figlio
Enrico Piaggio: An Italian Dream
High Commissioner
Pontedera, 1945. Enrico Piaggio's factory is in rubble. Piaggio feels the enormous responsibility that rests on his shoulders: the life of many families depends on his ability to create a new job. A project is beginning to form in his mind, a dream: to create a means of transport that is small, agile and economical, but capable of reviving mobility and boosting recovery. The road to affirmation, for Piaggio and its creature, is fraught with obstacles. An avid financier, Rocchi Battaglia, uses every means to take possession of the factory. Piaggio understands that his scooter, the Vespa, can and must become "the icon of rebirth" and so, when he learns that the American director William Wyler will shoot the film Roman Holiday (1953) in Italy, he sends Suso, a young and talented employee of the public office, to make contact with him to convince him to make the Vespa the "carriage of Cinderella" on which to make the two young and in love protagonists travel.
Сезон охоты: Однажды в Вигате
Baron Uccello
Действие фильма происходит в Вигате в 1880 году. Главный герой - фармацевт скромного происхождения Альфонсо Фофо Ла Матина. Вскоре после его прибытия в город с семьей маркиза Пелусо, местного богатого дворянина, происходит несколько трагедий. Отец-инвалид маркиза совершает самоубийство, бросаясь в море. Сын Рико умирает, предположительно от отравления грибами. Жена, которая консультировалась с Фофо, поскольку подозревала, что на самом деле Рико был убит, умирает несколько недель спустя. Сезон охоты открывается и неизвестно, к каким последствиям он приведёт.
Rocco Chinnici - È così lieve il tuo bacio sulla fronte
Cesare Terranova
The last years of Italian judge Rocco Chinnici — who was instrumental in the battle against Cosa Nostra, laying the basis for the famous Antimafia Pool — before his assassination, as seen through the eyes of his daughter Caterina.
A testa alta - Libero Grassi
Boris Giuliano: Un poliziotto a Palermo
Prof. Rubino
l'avvocato di Carlo Cosco
Lea grew up in a crime family in Calabria. The father of her daughter Denise is also a member of the Mafia. Lea, however, wants a different life for her daughter, free of violence, fear and falsehood. She decides to cooperate with justice, to benefit of the witness protection scheme and attempts to run away... Inspired by the true story of Lea Garofalo, the struggle of a woman to escape the Mafia.
Paolo Borsellino - The 57 Days
Vittorio Aliquò
Alberto Negrin directs this Italian drama starring Luca Zingaretti (well known Italian actor from the TV series Inspector Montalbano). The film traces the 57 days after the assassination of his friend and fellow anti-Mafia judge Giovanni Falcone when Paolo Borsellino (Zingaretti) must come to terms with his own inescapable destiny.
Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy
Carabinieri Colonel Pio Alferano
On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people and injures many more at a major national bank in Milan, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by police and the media, but an investigator uncovers a larger subversive project made of far-right fringe groups, corrupt secret services, and other interests that seek to undermine democracy.
L'ultimo Dei Corleonesi
Vito Ciancimino
The rise and fall of sicilian most important mafia bosses after WWII: Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina and Bernardo Provenzano, all from Corleone. Their friendship and struggle against italian state.
Married for most of her adult life, Nina plunges into depression after being suddenly left by her husband. Eventually, she'll find a way out by having multiple affairs with strangers.
A Judge of Honor
Don Cosimo
In 1980 Paolo Borsellino was appointed with the preliminary investigations and the task of setting up a team which would later become the famous anti-mafia pool, investigating into the criminal activities of various mafia bands, in particular the gang headed up by Totò Riina.
Фабрика звезд
Carwash Man
Приключения фотографа, путешествующего по маленьким поселениям Сицилии и притворяющегося, будто он работает на большую римскую киностудию.