Original Music Composer
Jim Vesser and his team of railroading men try to build a rail line through a mountain pass, while a group of less scrupulous construction workers sabotages the entire operation in the hopes that they can get their tracks laid first and get the money from the railroad.
Newsman (Uncredited)
Однажды в офисе помощника окружного прокурора Клива Маршалла появляется Тельма Джордон и рассказывает историю о бродягах и грабителях. Клив женат, но не может противостоять обаянию Тельмы. Между ними завязывается роман. Когда богатую тетушку Тельмы находят убитой, Клив помогает ей, при этом неоднократно нарушая закон. Тельму оправдывают, но ее прошлое настигает ее…
Police Driver
Detective Nick Carter is brought in to foil spies at the Radex Airplane Factory, where a new fighter plane is under manufacture.
Burns - Soldier
Усилия армии по захвату вождя апачей Джеронимо, который возглавляет группу воинов в набегах и убийствах, затруднены ссорой между двумя офицерами - отцом и сыном.
Hank (uncredited)
A couple inherits a college and to generate revenue offers a thousand dollars to players for each touchdown they score.
Monk Turner
Donald Ingals and his wife Eunice are conventional and loving parents who are shocked when their son Bradley comes home from college with ideas that they consider to be outrageous. His parents would like him to get involved with Mary Burke, a prim and proper young lady. More complications ensue because Bradley's sister Lois is attracted to the flapper lifestyle, but she isn't sure whether she can handle its emotional demands.