Justin Ribeiro Dos Santos


Executive Producer
Executive Producer
You are running on the beach, bathed in the beautiful sunshine. You feel alive and energized – what could be better? Get outside. Get active. Get the body you want.
Esoterica: Manila
Drawing from his personal adventures, film director, Elwood Perez veers away from standard-issue plot conventions in this paradoxically moral tale of a young man en route to becoming a creative artist.
Executive Producer
Кейси Коллинз профессиональная сваха, и может найти каждому идеального партнера. Кейси всегда ставила своих клиентов и их желания выше всего. Так было до сих пор.
Pearl Necklace
Executive Producer
When a maid working for the detestable Lord and Lady Shadwell is unfairly sacked, she plots sweet revenge. Seeking refuge with the kind and eager-to-please horse mistress beyond the estate, our heroine devises a plan to rob her former employers of a priceless heirloom. With the help of the other disgruntled housemaids, the plan goes off without a hitch thanks to her determination as well as her friends' undeniable charm.
Sexology Part 1
Executive Producer
Tess, a graduate student working on her PhD in Biology, is writing a paper on how pace, position and stimulation all affect the quality of female sexual pleasure. For this study Tess must do a lot of observational and hands-on research. So, what do women really want?
Executive Producer
Rosa, a quirky and eccentric French girl in London, decides to give up men in order to write a book. She soon finds her vow of abstinence much harder than expected and turns to her mischievous imagination to help her through.
Ловушка для мужин
Executive Producer
Несколько лет назад появилась служба, проверяющая верность влюбленных на заказ. Впервые Келли Рэфелл – глава организации «Ловушка для мужчин», искренне говорит со знаменитым журналистом Оливером МакДауэллом. Действительно ли Рэфелл несет зло семьям? Или она может фактически стать чемпионкой мира, дружбы и любви?
Private Thoughts
Sarah, the hard-nosed businesswoman, plays men like a chess game but in her fantasy meets her match and surrenders the reins to a feisty girl whom she meets in a nightclub. When bohemian Jess finishes her lazy Sunday morning love making with hubby Al, her lewd thoughts of clandestine meetings with strangers extend far beyond the acceptable realms of married life. And Bourgeois Becky, an aspiring actress, dutifully adheres to her controlling boyfriend but just before the curtain goes up she steels a moment to enjoy lusty thoughts of her delicious male counterpart.