Victoria Hirst


Iron Maiden - Flight 666 - The Concert
Heavy metal band Iron Maiden's 2008 Somewhere Back in Time World Tour. This concert recording accompanies the documentary film "Iron Maiden: Flight 666". The 16 songs performed were filmed live in 16 different cities giving you the full experience of the live power of Maiden and their fans all around the globe.
In a gritty retelling of the Dickens's classic, Twist takes Oliver and the Artful Dodger out of the poorhouse and onto the streets, where junk is the currency and hustling is the game.
Днем Дэн Махоуни — образцовый банковский служащий с незапятнанной репутацией. А вот после работы в этом «тихом омуте» появляются черти. Все ночи напролет примерный банкир проводит в казино. Он погряз в долгах, которые растут с каждым днем. Однажды он разрабатывает и претворяет в жизнь хитроумный план, который в случае успеха позволит ему уже не возвращаться на работу. Но для этого ему понадобятся огромные деньги — деньги своих клиентов.
Century Hotel
David Weaver makes his feature debut with this omnibus film in which each tale is told during different points during the 20th century, but in the same hotel room -- room 720. The film opens during the swinging '20s when a beautiful young woman, married against her will to a brutish thug of a man, endures a tension-fraught honeymoon. During the Depression segment, a mail-order bride from China meets her husband for the first time. Following the end of WWII, a soldier returns home to meet his girlfriend and his best friend. During the paranoia of the 1950s, a professor searches for his wife. During the 1980s, a lawyer has too much sex and debt, and during the dawn of the millennium, a woman comes to a newly refurbished room 720 to meet her Internet lover. Such acclaimed Canadian actors as Tom McCamus, Sandrine Holt, and Colm Feore star in this film, which was screened at the 2001 Toronto Film Festival.
Американский психопат
Line Producer
Днем он ничем не отличается от окружающих, и в толпе вы не обратите на него внимания. Но ночью этот благовоспитанный гражданин превращается в изощренного убийцу, терроризирующего спящий город.Современный дикарь, презирающий законы человечества, питается только испепеляющим пламенем своей ненависти, которая растет с каждым новым преступлением. Лавина ужаса приближается к критической черте. Скоро наступит момент, когда ее уже нельзя будет остановить.
Breakfast with Gus
A cat's eye view of Gus' attempt to get attention, and, most importantly, breakfast, from his busy humans. Eventually Gus does what any self respecting cat would do and takes matters into his own paws.
Joe's So Mean to Josephine
Josephine has her eye on Joe, a hot-headed, petty criminal who taps phones for a living. When she finally worms her way into his heart she realises it's not a nice place to be. But is it too late?