A home invasion goes awry when the owner returns showing signs of an unprecedented illness. As he gradually morphs into something monstrous, the intruders desperately plot their escape.
Megan and Phillip get married. But first they decide to go with their parents to a Caribbean village where they will accidentally taste a lemonade that will make the weekend special.
Во времена Дикого Запада Элис оставляет детей своей подруге и пускается в опасное путешествие, чтобы вернуть своего мужа с золотых приисков, находящихся на землях воинственных индейцев.
Stumped by brutal sex-mutilation crimes, Detective Chris Coxon turns to police psychologist Sarah Scott for help. As their relationship evolves, he must deal with Scott's complicated personal history, a wrenching experience that forces him to challenge his most basic assumptions about morality and justice. At last the crimes are solved, but Coxon is forever changed by both the process and the unexpected answer.
A reporter and her team from a New York tabloid travels to Kentucky to write a hit piece on the huge full-scale reproduction of Noah's Ark. There, they meet the Ark Encounter director, Noah Zomarsh, who answers all of their skeptical questions. Noah then shows them the purpose of the park through a special holographic message from evangelist Ray Comfort (Living Waters) that encourages them to reconsider what they believe, and explains how they can be saved by receiving Jesus Christ as Savior.
Группа перевертышей и оборотней прибывает в маленький городок в поисках девушки, которая рождается раз в 2000 лет.
Она является ключом к их выживанию, и они готовы уничтожить любого, кто встанет на их пути..
Состоятельный любитель покрутить романы на стороне становится жертвой коварного плана.Его похищают четверо незнакомцев в масках и требуют перевести все сбережения на их банковский счет, однако что-то пошло не так.
A farmer unearths an old top hat on his property and with it an ancient Indian curse that lays waste to all the farmers crops. All of the adults of the farming community are afflicted by a strange sickness that slowly dries them up until they are dust. It is only when the farmer communes with the hat does he find what it is that will save them all.