Philip McGough

Philip McGough


Philip McGough


Canoe Man
The story of the "Canoe Man" John Darwin who faked his own death and tried to start a new life with a false identity.
Dr. Hofzinser
Вена. Начало 20 века. В городе появляется загадочный человек, называвший себя иллюзионистом Эйзенхаймом. Он показывает публике невиданные фокусы, которые кажутся не иначе как волшебством. Слава о необыкновенном чародее доходит до кронпринца Леопольда, который почтил своим присутствием одно из представлений Эйзенхайма. Леопольда сопровождает его будущая невеста Софи. Её появление в зале дает толчок для целой вереницы необъяснимых событий, корни которых уходят в прошлое…
Plain Jane
Drama set in 1911 about a love triangle concerning a father, his son and their maid, Jane.
Новое платье императора
English Tourist
Фильм в комедийном ключе рассказывает о противоречащих утверждениям историков событиях, произошедших с Наполеоном после заточения на острове Святой Елены.
Bostock's Cup
Nick Barber
Former players and associates of third division club Bostock Stanley gather for a celebratory dinner to commemorate their famous FA Cup victory twenty-five years previously during which a shocking truth is revealed.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Well meaning friends try to persuade Suzanne, a beautiful widow, to remarry and the choice seems to be between Frank, a philandering dentist, and Tony, a sensitive, failing sports trainer who helps her son.
М. Баттерфляй
Prosecution Attorney
История французского дипломата, который влюбляется в звезду Пекинской оперы, скрывающую от него большую тайну.
Resnick: Rough Treatment
A kilo of cocaine. Hardly what two small-time crooks were expecting to find when they broke into TV director Harold Roy's shabby mansion. But nor was Harold's frustrated wife expecting to fall in love with one of the intruders. Now she's going to make a deal with him - for both her husband and the drugs. But the precious powder belongs to someone else. And he wants it back. So if he feels he's been double-crossed, there's no telling what might happen. Detective Inspector Resnick has a hunch that there's more to this story than meets the eye. And as his investigations lead him down the mean streets of the TV industry and an inner-city drugs ring, it's obvious that more than one person is dancing on thin ice
102 Boulevard Haussmann
In 1916 author Marcel Proust is leading a reclusive life in Paris. He hires a quartet of musicians and befriends one of them, a wounded serviceman.
Sweet As You Are
A college lecturer contracts HIV after having a brief affair with one of his students. The news threatens his marriage and family life.
Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks
Sergeant Calder
Captured in a time corridor, the Doctor and his companions are forced to land on 20th century Earth, diverted by the Doctor's oldest enemy - the Daleks. It is here the true purpose of the time corridor becomes apparent: after ninety years of imprisonment, Davros, the ruthless creator of the Daleks, is to be liberated to assist in the resurrection of his army. Not even the Daleks foresee the poisonous threat of their creator. Indeed, who would suspect Davros of wanting to destroy his own Daleks - and why? Only the Doctor knows the truth. Will he descend to Davros' level of evil to stop him?
Forever Young
A lonely young boy idolizes his local priest. An old acquaintance of the priest shows up one day, and the boy learns that his idol isn't exactly what he seems to be--it turns out that many years before, the priest had betrayed his friend, and now his friend has come back for revenge.
Ends and Means
Documentary drama.