Self (Archive Footage)
Ben Power interviews his father, Darrell Power of Great Big Sea, and asks what it was like on the road, being away from his family, and how being in one of the most memorable Newfoundland bands shaped his life.
2021’s Bell Let’s Talk Day features Canadians and their mental health journeys through a disruptive year that posed unique challenges.
On July 1st, 1916, the Newfoundland Regiment took part in a massive First World War offensive on the Somme, led by the British, to liberate France and Belgium from the claws of the Germans. To commemorate its 100th anniversary, Brian McKenna’s latest feature documentary film Newfoundland at Armageddon tells the story of this epic tragedy. Using a technique that brings new meaning to reenactment, McKenna recruits descendants of soldiers who fought this battle, offering a unique opportunity to relive the experience of their ancestors in trenches built specifically for this moving and enlightening film.
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?
The Cocksure Lads arrive in Toronto on the morning of their first North American tour.
Dingy Worthington
Действие фильма происходит одновременно в XIX веке и в наше время на Манхэттене. Воришка Питер Лэйк влюбляется в умирающую Беверли Пенн, девушку, живущую в доме, который он только что обчистил. Любовь его может оказаться не только чистой и искренней, но еще и последней, так как по пятам за ним ходят приспешники босса местной мафии, который намеревается прикончить Питера. Однажды, когда гангстерам почти удается отправить паренька на тот свет, его спасает… волшебный белый конь. Спустя некоторое время, удирая от очередной бригады бандитов, конь и его мальчик врезаются в стену из облаков и исчезают на многие годы. Возвращаются они тогда, когда в Нью-Йорке бушует пожар, и Питер обнаруживает в себе качества настоящего Мессии: он видит и слышит то, что недоступно другим; он помнит всех умерших и творит чудеса, достойные самого Спасителя.
Allan A'Dayle
История лучника армии Ричарда Львиное Сердце, который борется против нормандских захватчиков и становится легендарным героем, известным под именем Робин Гуд.
Courage & Patience & Grit is a DVD/CD set released by the band Great Big Sea on November 14, 2006. It contains video of the live performance from a concert at the Empire Theatre in Belleville, Ontario along with music videos for the songs "Captain Kidd", "When I Am King", "Lukey", and "Shines Right Through Me". The live performance was recorded during their The Hard and the Easy tour.
Since the first days of Great Big Sea, back in the spring of 1993, the Newfoundland based band has wanted to make a live album. Known across the country for their incendiary and powerful performances, their recent tour provided the perfect opportunity to do so. The result is an unusual live document of a band in love with traveling, their music, and the excitement of standing on stage in front of a crowd.