Brent McLaren


Пятьдесят оттенков серого
Computer Technician
В центре сюжета сложные взаимоотношения выпускницы колледжа Анастейши Стил и молодого бизнесмена Кристиана Грея, который убеждает девушку подписать с ним контракт, позволяющий ему фактически контролировать всю ее жизнь. Условия контракта подразумевают также подписание соглашения о неразглашении, в результате чего Грей фактически может делать с Анастейшей все, что ему заблагорассудится.
Officer Gardner
An English teacher's life turns upside-down once a new student moves in across the street.
Recipe for Love
Lauren Hennessey has always loved to cook and is a proud perfectionist at her job at "Food & Entertainment Magazine's" test kitchen while she dreams of being able to finally afford culinary school in Paris. When her boss offers her a bonus if she agrees to ghostwrite the cookbook of a difficult celebrity chef, Lauren sees her dream becoming a reality as soon as she can tame the notorious bad boy chef in question, Dexter Durant. Slowly peeling back the layers of Dexter's tough-guy persona, she starts seeing a different, vulnerable side to this big-shot chef. Suddenly, their dueling culinary styles become the perfect complement in the kitchen and an attraction between them starts to boil over.