David Gries

David Gries


David Gries


Funny Business
Bobby Buttons
Bobby Buttons, a clown who has given up on his dreams, is unwilling to give up the act during a corporate job interview.
Bigfoot, UFOs and Jesus
Young Harrison Howard
A lifetime ago in a sleepy Michigan lake town, Hannah Howard (Melissa Anschutz) experienced something otherworldly. For years the event was pushed to the corners of her mind, seemingly forgotten until a trip home starts unlocking her past memories. Can her advice-giving, hippy-mother (Victoria Jackson) or the small town preacher (Don Most) or her newly discovered, bigfoot-hunting brother (Josh 'Ponceman' Perry) help her make sense of it all? To add to the growing mystery, the strange events have started again upon Hannah's return. Strange lights appearing in the sky over a place locals call the Devil's Crossroads.
The Christ Slayer
Takes place at the Passover and the days that follow the crucifixion. A mix of scripture and Christian legend woven to try and create a more complete picture. It follows Longinus as the Roman soldier who put the spear to Jesus on the cross.
Wild Faith
Emmett Murphy (Shane Hagedorn) is a Civil War veteran who returns to his Michigan home looking for peace. After his wife dies, he fulfills his promise to a dying soldier and brings the Negro widow, Haddie (Lauren LaStrada) and her daughter to stay with him and his son. The townsfolk aren’t ready for this modern family and a nefarious plot to remove them is hatched. Facing bigotry and greatly outnumbered, Emmett struggles to find faith. But when the circus train comes to town, a mysterious turn of events provide Emmett and his family with the unexpected help they need to overcome.
All the Devil's Aliens
Mike is studying for his med school entrance exams, and wants a job that will leave him time to study. He is hired to help Mr. Pinborough, a wealthy recluse who lives in the woods, and requires constant care. Mike's job is to assist the head caregiver Robin. Soon, he is haunted by dark creatures and things hit a peak when Robin disappears.
America's Most Haunted
The crew of a popular ghost hunting show gets more than they bargained for when they come across a location that's actually haunted.
Free Pie
A traumatic comedy about life, death, pie and death.
A small town guy tries to decide between staying with his current girlfriend or going back to his psycho ex.
Мимесис. Ночь живых мертвецов
Группа фанатов хоррора приезжает на вечеринку на загородной ферме. На следующий день они просыпаются там же в кошмарной обстановке… точнее в обстановке из известного им фильма ужасов…
The Lost & Found Shop
In a curious shop for mysterious merchandise, a little girl persuades a callous Shopkeeper to search for her lost memory, which triggers a series of bizarre consequences.
Rescue Sailor (uncredited)
Разгар Второй мировой войны. Американская подводная лодка «Манта», посланная на выручку оставшимся в живых членам экипажа британского плавучего госпиталя, вынуждена скрываться на глубине от шныряющих ближе к поверхности немецких субмарин. Уходя ближе ко дну, подводники обнаруживают, что там, внизу, есть еще что-то — явно не нацистские судна, нечто необъяснимое и, возможно, сверхъестественное.