Tom Barnes


Побег из курятника: Рассвет наггетсов
Совершив фееричный побег с фермы, где свирепствовала жестокая хозяйка, главные герои нашли убежище на отдалённом острове, где нет людей. Здесь они живут счастливой и беззаботной жизнью. Но неожиданно на горизонте появляется новая опасность и птицам снова придется встать на свою защиту…
Паршивая овца
Original Music Composer
После убийства Дамилолы Тэйлора семейство Корнелиуса Уокера уезжает из Лондона, однако новый город их проживания тоже не лишен проблем с расизмом. Корнелиус идет на радикальный шаг, чтобы выжить.
Ezra finds himself dealing with the loss of his younger brother in a rather unconventional way. On route to the funeral service he (and his bike) are taken hostage by a gang of forest dwelling children. In return for his release Ezra must help them fix their rocket ship. However, in the process of doing so, he finds an escape from the grief.
Score Engineer
An animated poem about the fleeting nature of happiness.
Friend Like Me
A story of Toby, his genie and the very last wish...
Blue Sushi
After the singer of a rock band comes out as a trans man, their manager attempts to use his trans status to generate publicity, and tries to take control of his transition.
Twenty-five minutes. Seven people. One of them must die.
Super Brainy Zombies
While filming a poorly scripted, low budget zombie film in the woods, a group of YouTubers are attacked by real zombies. Will they survive the zombie apocalypse and what will they sacrifice along the way?