Owner Electroshop
Explore the feeling of early morning alienation.
Harry Doright
At his 60th birthday Harry Doright is visited by a demon who claims his soul and the soul of his loved ones.
Peck #3
Prosopanosia: 'A two faced story' Alfred finds his best friend Julia dead in her apartment and looks the perpetrator right in the eyes. He is unable to identify him, because of his extremely rare condition known as face blindness, or Prosopagnosia. Helpless and confused Alfred has to endure a long interrogation at the police office. He turns out to be the obvious suspect in this horrible homicide. While Alfred tries to convince the inspector of his innocence and menacing illness their both bound to discover a shocking truth.
American Airman #1
Young American Joanne Hunter is stranded in the German-occupied Holland with her Dutch grandparents. The German CO, Captain Kessel begins to wage war on the village's morale, and Joanne's house must quarter another German officer, Lt. Braun, who finds himself torn between his duty and distaste of Kessel's methods. When Kessel threatens the lead statues of 16th-century freedom fighters in the town clock, Joanne and her grandparents rally the villagers to save Kirkendam's "little riders".
A jealous merchant marries a woman who bears a striking resemblance to his former lover.
Голландия. Двенадцатилетний Йерун, как и многие другие дети, отправлен подальше из Амстердама, где голодно и опасно. Мальчику повезло: он попадает в семью рыбака, где его приняли, как родного. После немецкой оккупации приходят канадские солдаты - освободители. Один из них задерживается, между ним и мальчиком возникает взаимное притяжение, перерастающее в нечто большее... Автобиография известного датского танцора и хореографа Руди ван Данцига. Она рассказывает об осознании им своей нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации, о событиях, которые перевернули всю его жизнь и остались в его памяти навсегда.