Melanie Haynes

Melanie Haynes


Melanie Haynes


The Housewives of the North Pole
Mrs. Logan
The Christmas Queens of North Pole, Vermont, Trish and Diana, have won the Best Holiday House decorating competition every year for the past nine years. But days before Christmas, a friendship-ending argument sparks a town-wide feud and draws the attention of a national magazine writer hoping to make a name for herself with her scintillating expose.
Blood Born
Struggling to conceive, Eric and Makayla hire a witch doctor from Gravida Foundation to help them. Ola moves into their home, taking over their lives as she puts them through a series of magical rituals.
Дорога домой на Рождество
Постоянно соперничающие исполнители, Линдси и Уэс, внезапно теряют хороший заработок на Рождество. Так как билеты на самолёт очень дорогие, а их родные города совсем недалеко, они решают доехать домой на машине вместе.
Человек-паук: Через вселенные
Brooklyn Visions Teacher (voice)
В центре сюжета уникальной и инновационной в визуальном плане картины подросток из Нью-Йорка Майлз Моралес, который живет в мире безграничных возможностей вселенных Человека-паука, где костюм супергероя носит не только он.
A young Oklahoma artist, struggling with a recent death, finds escape in a reckless affair with her brother's girlfriend.
A Country Called Home
Brenda Thacker
Ellie is a 27-year old whose life is far from where she imagined it to be. Filled with annoying friends, a self-involved boyfriend, and a career that she can’t bring herself to pursue, Ellie feels detached from her life. When she learns that her estranged alcoholic father has died, her world is disrupted and she begins a journey that takes her to a small town in Texas. While dealing with the logistical arrangements of her father’s death Ellie has to confront what happens when the structures and safety nets we build for ourselves come undone.
The Last Mark
Old uncle Bill who served as the sidekick to the legendary gambler/card shark, Harry tells the story of how they gambled and partied their way from the high rolling days of the 50's to the crazy drug fueled times of the 60's and reveals a dark secret. Harry's son, Hoppy finally finds the courage to escape his bleak future as "a mark" through uncle Bill's story and redemptive kindness.
A Promise to Carolyn
Aunt Letty
When two sisters can no longer go on living with the painful memory of their baby sister being murdered 37 years ago by their stepmother, together they try to uncover the truth.
Без предупреждения
В фильме рассказывается о покушении на жизнь президента США Рональда Рейгана, во время которого очень тяжёлую травму получил его пресс-секретарь Джеймс Бреди. «Медведь» (домашнее прозвище Бреди) оказался после ранения «прикованным» к инвалидной коляске и лишённым возможности работать в команде президента. Бреди очень тяжело переживает всё случившееся, но основная тяжесть легла на плечи его жены Сары, которая ценой невероятных усилий пытается вдохнуть в мужа интерес к жизни. Благодаря её силе воли Джеймс обретает спокойствие и уверенность в завтрашнем дне. Вместе с женой он борется за ограничение продажи оружия частным лицам в США.
Michelle Brekke
A profile of the astronauts, crew, and civilians who were involved in the January 28, 1986 flight of the spaceship, Challenger, that resulted in its explosion upon takeoff. The center point of the film is the safety inspections and arguments surrounding the use of the o-rings that ultimately were blamed for the explosion.
The Face of Rage
Mrs. Wilson
Filmed in quasi-documentary fashion, the made-for-TV The Face of Rage is set in a rehabilitation facility. Here a group of rapists are required to confront their victims face-to-face. The film concentrates on the bitter verbal sparring session between assaulter Richard (Graham Bechel) and assaultee Rebecca (Dianne Weist). Director Donald Wrye co-wrote the screenplay for Face of Rage with Hal Sitowicz, drawing much of the dialogue from real-life transcripts. The film was first aired as an "ABC Theatre" presentation on March 20, 1983, preceded with an all too appropriate "parental guidance" proviso.
Heart Land
When a disenchanted New York musician gets stuck on a layover in Kansas, she falls for a local winemaker who challenges her beliefs on everything from guns and vegetarianism, to love and life itself.
California King
Mrs. Duvernay
Perry, a mattress store manager, hatches a wild plan to impress the girl of his dreams, but his efforts go off the rails when his fake kidnapping of her brother gets more complicated than he expected.