Matthew Tennyson

Matthew Tennyson

Рождение : , Stoke Newington, London, UK


Matthew Tennyson is an English actor. He is the great-great-great-grandson of poet laureate Alfred, Lord Tennyson.


Matthew Tennyson


Wilfred Owen
История самых ярких лет жизни английского поэта, писателя и солдата, принявшего участие в Первой мировой войне, Зигфрида Сассуна.
A Monster Calls
The Old Vic in association with Bristol Old Vic, Jonathan Church Productions & Global Creatures’ present their Olivier Award-winning production, A Monster Calls. Thirteen-year-old Conor and his mum have managed just fine since his dad moved to America. But now his mum’s very sick and she’s not getting any better. His grandmother won’t stop interfering and the kids at school won’t look him in the eye. Then, one night, at seven minutes past midnight, Conor is woken by something at his window. A monster has come walking. It’s come to tell Conor tales from when it walked before. And when it’s finished, Conor must tell his own story and face his deepest fears. On publication, A Monster Calls became a bestseller with children and adults alike with its dazzling insight into love, loss and healing. It garnered huge critical acclaim, including an unprecedented double win of the Carnegie and Greenaway Medals for outstanding children’s literature and illustration.
Making Noise Quietly
Three stories of strangers meeting on the edge of war. A conscientious objector and a roaming artist find tenderness as the carnage of the Second World War unfolds across the English Channel. A bereaved mother struggles with bitterness and love in recollecting her estranged son, lost in the Falklands. Deep in the Black Forest of Germany, an ageing holocaust survivor seeks to bring peace to disturbed young boy and his equally wild stepfather.
Boys On Film 15: Time & Tied
Sam (segment "Morning Is Broken")
Embark on a magical journey through time with Boys On Film 15: Time & Tied — featuring a brand new selection of sensational gay British short films that showcase some of the UK's best emerging talent. This compilation features nine complete films: Lloyd Eyre-Morgan's "Closets" starring Tommy Knight and Ceallach Spellman; Brian Fairbairn & Karl Eccleston's "Putting On The Dish" starring Steve Wickenden and Neil Chinneck; Mitchell Marion's "G O'Clock" starring Marc Rovira Cenar and Phillip Weddell; Charlie Parham's "Nightstand" starring Nicholas Gleaves and Amrou Al-Kadhi; Simon Anderson's "Morning Is Broken" starring Matthew Tennyson, Nigel Allen and Jack Hawkins; Tom Frederic's "Sauna The Dead: A Fairy Tale" starring himself and Kumar Muniandy; Leon Lopez's "CrossRoad" starring Marc Rovira Cenar, Ashley Campbell, and Calum Ewan Cameron; Jake Graf's "Dawn" starring Nicole Gibson and Harry Rundle; and Kristen Bjorn's "Trouser Bar" starring Denholm Spurr, Scott Hunter, and Zac Renfree.
Сон в летнюю ночь
Классическая пьеса Шекспира, адаптированная для телевидения Рассела Т Дэвиса. В тираническом суде Афин безжалостный диктатор Тейус планирует свою свадьбу к Ипполите, военнопленному, а молодая Гермия приговорена к смерти ее собственным отцом. Между тем, в нижеприведенном городе, любительская театральная группа «Механики» репетирует со всеми их комическими соперничествоми. А за Афинами, в диких лесах, темные силы мешают ...
Morning is Broken
At the end of his older brother’s wedding in the lush English countryside, a young man struggles to deal with his sexuality.
Boy from printers
Действие фильма разворачивается в 1984 году, во время правления Маргарет Тэтчер и в разгар забастовки шахтеров. Картина расскажет о группе геев и лесбиянок, участвующих в лондонском гей-параде и принимающих решение собрать деньги в поддержку семей бастующих горняков. Когда же профсоюз шахтеров стесняется принять собранные средства из рук представителей нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации, те не сдаются и отправляются на микроавтобусе в шахтерский поселок, находящийся в Уэльсе, чтобы лично осуществить акт благотворительности.
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Live at Shakespeare's Globe
On a Midsummer’s night, four young lovers find themselves wrapped in the dream-like arms of an enchanted forest where sprites lurk and fairies rule.