Stefanos Efthymiou


Welcome to the murky world of digital ad fraud, organized crime’s biggest source of income after drug trafficking. A former industry executive pulls the curtain to expose how it’s done, who the victims are, and what role Google and Facebook play in the game.
Not Tomorrow
Michalis has barely 24 hours to redefine his life and make up for his close ones. That same night he meets a girl. He only wishes that the morning never comes.
Преступления будущего
Production Sound Mixer
Недалекое будущее. У людей появился синдром ускоренной эволюции, из-за которого с телом начинают происходить удивительные изменения — люди почти перестали чувствовать боль. В погоне за запретными ощущениями и запредельными удовольствиями загадочная организация проводит эксперименты на себе подобных. Одни принимают новую реальность, а другие пытаются бороться с ней любыми возможными способами.
Незнакомая дочь
Production Sound Mixer
Спокойный отпуск у моря принимает тревожный оборот, когда женщина замечает молодую мать, отдыхающую на соседней вилле, и на нее обрушиваются воспоминания.
Sound Recordist
Герой переживает не лучшие времена. Его жена лежит в коме, он подавлен, каждый день начинается со слёз. Но несмотря на переполняющую его грусть, мужчина счастлив. Его жалеют окружающие: секретарша, уборщик, сосед... Но всё меняется, когда жена начинает идти на поправку.
The Enemy Within
Revenge is a recurrent theme in thrillers, usually dispensed by action heroes with a well-stocked arsenal. But in Yorgos Tsemberopoulos’s nuanced moral maze the protagonist is the bookish Kostas (Manolis Mavromatakis), a suburban florist well versed in social and political theory, which he discusses at length with a local publican. But when his home is invaded by masked hoodlums, who bind his family and rape his teenage daughter, our everyman hero finds his intellectual stance untenable. Encouraged by his paranoid, militarist neighbour, Kostas decides to take the law into his own hands, and in doing so begins to understand – for the first time – the world he has been living in. The vigilante movie is a well-explored genre too, but Tsemberopoulos gives it a whole new urgency, subverting the cliched right-wing fantasy structure and seeing it through the eyes of a man who comes to find his real self while trying to live up to the (imagined) expectations of others. (Source: LFF programme)
The Island
Sound Recordist
The death of a prominent citizen reveals the corruption that festers behind closed doors on a seemingly beautiful serene Greek island of Sifnos.
Βank Bang
Sound Director
Two brothers, the honest Michalis and the swindler Nontas, are forced to resort to bank robberies in order to pay off the latter's entanglements with the mafia. Michalis' love for a secret police officer, a strange couple of her colleagues and Nontas' greed will make things even more complicated.
This is not an easy mystery to solve in all its subtleties. In the last paragraph, I give my take on the characters. I won't give away the principal spoiler. Still, if you want to exercise your Sherlock skills to the fullest, skip that last paragraph. I'll warn you. A man leaves prison. He has been paroled. The best he can do at first is stay at a shelter for poor people and look for work. In the meantime he tries to reconnect with people he knows and to avoid the attention of several shady individuals that know him. That's the layout. The mystery elements arise from the fact that he is rejected by a few, pursued by a duo of suspicious looking men, and approached by a bunch of unsavory roughnecks that know him well. Why the rejection? Why the persecution? What is the gang about? The film is parsimonious about handing out hints and clues that we need to answer those questions. The best we can do is work out hypotheses and see if they pan out at the end.
Кинетта. Вымерший греческий курортный городок, населенный в межсезонье рабочими-мигрантами. Полицейский в штатском, со страстью к автомобилям, магнитофонам и русским женщинам, расследует серию недавних убийств в районе. Заручившись поддержкой одиночки фотографа и молоденькой горничной местного отеля, которая будет исполнять роль жертв, это странноватое трио занимается реконструкциями нападений с исключительным вниманием к деталям. Что за цель они этим преследуют?
Summer Holidays
Nikos, Christine, Homer, George, Regina, Dimitris, Jim, Margaret, Elias, Monika and Haris return from their summer holidays.