Mia Bays


Fadia’s Tree
Executive Producer
While millions of birds migrate freely in the skies above, Fadia, a Palestinian refugee stranded in Lebanon, yearns for the ancestral homeland she is denied. When a chance meeting introduces her to the director, Sarah, she challenges her to find an ancient mulberry tree that once grew next to her grandfather’s house in historic Palestine, a tree that stands witness to her family’s existence.
The New Man
Associate Producer
A creative documentary about becoming a parent... and how to reconceive yourself. Fiction director Josh Appignanesi turns the camera on himself and his wife as they undergo the ordeal of becoming parents in the era of man-children and assisted reproduction. Faced with fatherhood, Josh spirals comically into an envious career funk. But life-threatening complications emerge- the couple are tested to the brink, confronting shattering losses. It's a portrait of our generation going through a revolution in reproduction- forced to find new ways to think about ourselves as creative beings. We hear from Slavoj Žižek, John Berger, Darian Leader (20,000 Days) and Zadie Smith. Universal yet still taboo, it's a film for everyone who has children, wants them, or still feels like a child themselves.
The Muse
Legend has it that if a human man falls in love with a mermaid she will grow legs; legs that will, if she so desires, carry her far, far away from the very man she cast her watery spell upon... But what becomes of the human man, when her spell remains but she is gone? Edward Dunstan (Ben Whishaw) is a photographer and filmmaker obsessed by his muse (Kristen McMenamy). Blinded by his all-consuming passion and perfectionism, he was unable to see her as she was and so, she has left him. All that remains are his photographs and film of her that he has running on a loop. Only now does he understand what she endured. There is nothing left for him but to become both artist and muse…
The Muse
Legend has it that if a human man falls in love with a mermaid she will grow legs; legs that will, if she so desires, carry her far, far away from the very man she cast her watery spell upon... But what becomes of the human man, when her spell remains but she is gone? Edward Dunstan (Ben Whishaw) is a photographer and filmmaker obsessed by his muse (Kristen McMenamy). Blinded by his all-consuming passion and perfectionism, he was unable to see her as she was and so, she has left him. All that remains are his photographs and film of her that he has running on a loop. Only now does he understand what she endured. There is nothing left for him but to become both artist and muse…
Скотт Уокер: Человек ХХХ столетия
Обстоятельный портрет самого завораживающего и неуловимого аутсайдера рока. История прослеживает карьеру потерпевшего провал кумира тинэйджеров Скотти Энгела, который уехал из Америки в Англию 1960-х, добился большого успеха с умопомрачительной мужской поп-группой «The Walker Brothers», затем выпустил целую серию альбомов, в которых соединил свое баритональное тихое проникновенное пение с видавшей виды образностью Жака Бреля. Чем больше выходило пластинок, тем меньше они продавались, и казалось, что Скотту Уокеру суждено исчезнуть из-под света рампы, если бы не тот факт, что сегодня мы находим его в студии, где он работает над новым альбомом, оставив далеко позади традиционные поп-структуры в своем движении к авангарду.
Черная и кровавая ирландская комедия о печальной поездке на поезде, где пожилой мужчина, чья жена умерла этим утром, сталкивается со странным и, возможно, психотическим молодым чудиком ...