Francesca Marra


Un coccodrillo per amico
Lorenzo and Sandro are friends and partners of Agostino, director of a real estate agency, a great lover of Africa. During a lunch they accidentally meet Giovanni, known in Kenya. The man, having become familiar, proposes a real estate deal in the dark continent. This is a project for the construction in Malindi of a resort with villas and swimming pools, designed for the western market. Lorenzo is disinterested and skeptical, while Sandro is enthusiastic. However, they discover that the place where the complex will be built is a mission that deals with helping children. Lorenzo recognizes Laura, the girl he was in love with as a young man, among the nuns. Together then, they decide to help out ...
Un coccodrillo per amico
Lorenzo and Sandro are friends and partners of Agostino, director of a real estate agency, a great lover of Africa. During a lunch they accidentally meet Giovanni, known in Kenya. The man, having become familiar, proposes a real estate deal in the dark continent. This is a project for the construction in Malindi of a resort with villas and swimming pools, designed for the western market. Lorenzo is disinterested and skeptical, while Sandro is enthusiastic. However, they discover that the place where the complex will be built is a mission that deals with helping children. Lorenzo recognizes Laura, the girl he was in love with as a young man, among the nuns. Together then, they decide to help out ...
Renzo e Lucia
First Assistant Director
Loose adaptation of Italy's national epic, Alessandro Manzoni's “The Betrothed”. In war-torn 17th century Italy, shady feudal lord Don Rodrigo eyes young and beautiful Lucia, who loves—and is reciprocated by—commoner Renzo. The two lovers plan to marry in secret, but Rodrigo discovers it and they are forced to flee their village, becoming separated and each facing many dangers, includine the Plague.
О смерти, о любви
Assistant Director
Франческо Делламорте — смотритель кладбища маленького итальянского захолустного городка. Однако его работа немного отличается от обычной — дело в том, что по какой-то непонятной причине мертвецы на этом кладбище имеют дурную привычку пролежав неделю в гробу восставать из мертвых. И в число обязанностей Франческо входит отправлять их обратно в могилы, что он и делает, используя, наверное, самый классический способ — выстрелом разносит им головы…
Ricky & Barabba
Second Assistant Director
A wealthy millionaire decided to commit suicide but meets a homeless with whom he experiences a lot of funny adventures until finally makes order in his life.
Reflections in a Dark Sky
First Assistant Director
In a sordid account of mutual charity, an alcoholic doctor tries to make a captive heroin addict kick her self-destructive behavior — and vice-versa.