Elizabeth Omilami

Elizabeth Omilami


Elizabeth Omilami


Лучшие враги
Marion Wilson
История афроамериканской правозащитницы и главы отделения Ку-клукс-клана, которым пришлось работать в одном комитете для решения вопроса сегрегации в школе.
Merry Wishmas
A successful Atlanta businesswoman reunites with an old high school friend at his wellness facility. She is reminded of the transformational power of love, hope and faith, all amplified by the spirit of the holidays.
Comeback Dad
A man tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter.
Невидимая сторона
CPS Employee
Реальная история игрока в американский футбол команды Baltimore Ravens Майкла Оэра. Оставшийся без крова молодой афроамериканец взят под опеку зажиточной семьёй. Жизнь в новом окружении полностью меняет судьбу замкнутого подростка, помогает реализовать свой потенциал. Поступив в университет штата Миссисипи, он играет в студенческой команде и познаёт скрытую сторону спортивной игры, учится стратегии и тактическому анализу. Знание того, что в игре зачастую именно мозг побеждает мускулы, вскоре поможет попасть Майклу в профессиональную лигу.
Вердикт за деньги
Potential Juror #3
Один из присяжных во время процесса над производителем оружия объединяет усилия с прелестной девушкой, чтобы получить контроль над всеми присяжными. Ставки очень высоки, т. к. процесс «тянет» на несколько миллионов долларов, поэтому адвокат сталкивается с противодействием присяжного, который не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы решение присяжных осталось в силе...
Selma, Lord, Selma
Amelia Boynton
In 1965 Alabama, an 11 year old girl is touched by a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. and becomes a devout follower. But her resolution is tested when she joins others in the famed march from Selma to Montgomery.
Perfect Crime
Mrs. Lewis
Mitzi Kapture portrays a military investigator trying to convict an officer of killing his wife. Convinced the officer committed the crime but hindered by lack of physical evidence (including a body), she must interview military personnel who have differing views of the events and circumstances surrounding the murder.
To Dance With Olivia
Eva Lynn
A lawyer trying to cope with his son's accidental death takes on a case where a farmer is charged with booby trapping a watermelon patch with a shotgun which went off and injured a young boy. But in choosing to defend the farmer, he puts himself at odds with the boy's father, an old friend who is politically influential. In dealing with this case, he is forced to confront his own son's death and his wife's slippage into being a virtual recluse.
Время убивать
Woman Angry at Klan
Зверски изнасилована десятилетняя девочка. Отец девочки расстреливает подонков.Ему грозит газовая камера. Сможет ли блестящий адвокат, не проигравший ни одного дела, добиться признания невиновности своего клиента?
On Promised Land
Sally Mae
In the 1950s, the Ween family live and work on land that was promised to their family. The landowners, the Appletree family, use the promise of the land to keep the family working for them, putting the transfer of the land in doubt.
In the Line of Duty: Street War
Mrs. Williamson
In this gritty cops-and-crooks drama, two detectives hunt a gang leader suspected of murdering a New York cop. The detectives enlist the help of the dead cop's partner, who is also the brother of the gangster. There's nothing civil about this war that has two brothers squaring off against each other. The strong cast includes Mario Van Peebles, Ray Sharkey and Peter Boyle.
Web of Deceit
Hospital Receptionist
After making a name for herself on the West Coast, a defense lawyer returns to her hometown of Atlanta to argue a controversial rape-murder case. But it's not all work and no play: once there, she reenters high society and has a reunion with an old flame -- who just happens to be the prosecuting attorney on her case. As she investigates her client's claims of innocence, she uncovers a sinister conspiracy that threatens both her life and her new romance.