George Motoi

Рождение : 1936-01-22, Caliacra, Bulgaria

Смерть : 2015-03-04


George Motoi


Terente: The King of Swamps
Un jucător
The story takes place early in the 20th century in Eastern Romania, where a famous outlaw lived kind of a Clyde with many Bonnies legend in the landscape of the Danube Delta.
Attack in the Library
Mjr. Buduru
Andrei Mladin, a young investigative reporter, is set up for two murders by a criminal that he brought to justice earlier.
The Telephone
Everything is Paid
Sixth "Margelatu" movie
The Season of Love
The action of the movie take place in a factory and presents the conflicts between one engineer and some young workers.
Бирюзовое ожерелье
На границе Румынии и Австрии неизвестными похищены крупный венский банкир Виленсдорф и его дочь. Австрийский консул официально заявляет, что, если похищенные не будут найдены, дело закончится вооруженным конфликтом. Между тем руководителям тайного общества "Братство" становится известно, что Виленсдорф был послан в Бухарест, чтобы сыграть роль "подсадной утки". Настоящий же представитель австрийского банка Патас Фортунатас прибудет в Бухарест на следующий день. Во избежание новых провокаций "Братство" поручает встретить этого банкира отважному Мэрджелату.
Серебряная маска
lt. Deivos
Общество "Братство" поручает Мэрджилату и Заячей Губе вернуть золото боярина Вылку, похищенное актрисой Агатой Слатиняну и так называемым банкиром Трояновым. Неожиданно появляется преступник в серебряной маске, которого все принимают за Мэрджилату.
Emil Codrescu
The story of an impossible love: doctor Emil Codrescu is reunited 20 years later with Adela, the one he had only known as a young girl. The two fall in love, but circumstances and hesitation prevent them from getting closer.
Furtună în Pacific
Ship "Saturn" prepares to return home from the American west coast. The ship is damaged at a very bad time, when a severe storm comes their way, they loose propulsion. The currents are pulling them towards a rocky island and they must try the impossible to save themselves.
Новые приключения Желтой Розы
lt. Deivos
Фильм представляет приключения героев, пытающихся сохранить свое тайное общество "Справедливость и братство" в годы, предшествовавшие революции в 1848 году.
Miezul fierbinte al painii
Желтая роза
Lt. Deivos
Румыния. 1848 год. Мэрджелату по прозвищу Желтая роза из тайной организации "Справедливость и братство" поручено переправить из Вены в Бухарест оружие для восставших.
The Silence of the Deep
Eng. Voinea
In the times when communism was illegal, one young worker is sentenced to the capital punishment for crimes against the state.
The Computer Testifies
Eng. Vlad Negher
Economic espionage that involves a Romanian exterior commerce company being the victim.
Man and Shadow
This film is about a functional alcoholic, who works as a lathe operator in a factory and is mentoring a young man.
The Investigation
The explosion of a 4300 tones Kauper furnace brings up an inquiry, conducted by Ștefan, a Romanian Communist Party activist. He is trying to get to the truth, even if he is pressured just to assign blame.
Al treilea salt mortal
X Spy
Industrial espionage movie, in communist Romania.
The Return of King Lapusneanu
Alexandru Lapusneanu
Alexandru Lapusneanu is one of important Moldavian rulers. A Macbeth figure, who obtains his throne in fight, who reeves any possible danger out of his way, a good "hospodar", husband and father. His reign is result of relation with the Great Powers of the XVIth century. The strain relation with the boyars (noblemen), the economic and spiritual contribution in the country's development, tensions of his own family, the loss of reign and the revenge, the second reign are elements for define the man and the prince like touching character
The Great Solitary
inginerul horticultor Nicolae Moromete
Nicolae (George Motoi), the intelectual descendant of Moromete family, former communist apparatchik in the 50s, becomes a horticultor due to a political error, and refuses to have any social life, even if he is unhappy with his inactivity. The death of his partner makes him respond to the overtures of his old comrades. Based on the eponymous novel by Marin Preda.
The Mace with Three Seals
Cancelarul Jojika
At the end of the 16th century, Wallachia's ruler Michael the Brave dreams of uniting the kingdoms of Wallachia,Transylvania and Moldavia into a single country known as The United Principalities.
For Motherland
Captain Ștefan Ionescu
In 1877 during the Russo-Turkish war the Kingdom of Romania joins the war on Russia's side and declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
The Court Adjourns the Sentencing
A judge is tasked to investigate a mining accident.
No Trespassing
Căpitan SS Reinhardt
The film follows the stories of a handful of characters: Andrei (Radescu), who finds himself in conflict with his peers; Colonel Maxineanu (Stanculescu), the school commander; and Adrian (Mavrodineanu), a young villager who is inspired by the bravery of the cadets. The Hungarians arrive and launch a series of attacks against the Romanians. The Axis are pushed back again and again, despite superior numbers and weaponry. At the end of the film, they launch one last attack, which seems to momentarily begin breaking through. Just at that moment, reinforcements from the Soviet and Romanian armies arrive, pushing the Hungarians back.
Thea, a researcher from an institute for nuclear studies, leaves for a vacation but ends up on an adventure at the boundary between fantasy and reality. On the TV screen the image of a man appears who disappeared 20 years ago after a nuclear explosion. She falls in love with this picture and convinces a colleague and close friend that they can bring back the man who disappeared through a strange reverse process. Her only way to communicate with this picture however is via the TV screen, and her love can only be communicated through dreaming.
The Captain Martens Brothers
Damian Jder din Lvov
Historical movie based on the "fratii Jderi" book. The movie is in the top 20 most watched Romanian movies.
The Return of Magellan
”Amicul” (Buddy)
A love story between a young communist in illegality and a girl who presents herself as Magellan.
Fleeting Loves
A Romanian architect who married abroad reunites with his birthplace, with those he met, with the women he loved, with the echoes of what happened once, with the great transformations that are taking place in the Capitol, on construction sites and in Romanian villages. Condemned by an incurable disease, but also overwhelmed by these realities and by the irrepressible longing for his homeland, the hero decides to return home for good.
Seven Days
This movie presents 7 days of a secret agent's life. Unlike most other movies that glamorize secret agents, this one shows the routine, nitty gritty work.
The Poseidon Explosion
A group of firefighters discover explosives on an abandoned ship which threatens the local city
The Take-Off
Valedictorian in a flight class, he has to complete 2 years of utility aviation before going into military. He is unhappy about that and he clashes with the old commandant Bărcan.
The Evening Party
Cristea Alexandru
At a party with diverse guests are dealing with the events os August 23rd, 1944. Guests are serving as metaphors for different parts of society.
The film is a historic parable about the topicality of revolution. 1514. The peasants' uprising is over, Dózsa has been arrested. Werbőczy tries to get the imprisoned peasant leader deny the revolution and offers him the lives of his people in exchange.
Kingdom in the Clouds
A young man's quest for a kingdom promising eternal youth and immortality. To reach his goal he must fulfill the three wishes of the Emperor's daughter, retrieve three golden objects, answer three riddles set by the Lord of Time, and overcome an evil witch and escape the Kingdom of Lies ruled by an evil Emperor and the young man's nemesis, the Prince of Lies. In return for good deeds along the way, he is given a magical horn and feather to aid him in his quest and is served by a flying horse, All this before he can finally enter the Kingdom of Youth without Old Age and Life without Death and marry the Emperor's daughter.
Лупень, 29
Ioana's first husband
В основу фильма положены подлинные события. В румынском городе Лупени 5 августа 1929 года доведённые до отчаяния каторжными условиями труда шахтёры под руководством коммунистов организовали забастовку. Шахтёры требовали повышения заработной платы, установления восьмичасового рабочего дня. Они выступали против попыток правительства переложить всю тяжесть экономического кризиса на плечи рабочих. Правительство, обеспокоенное масштабом забастовки и решительностью рабочих не уступать в своих требованиях, отдало приказ войскам стрелять по безоружным людям. 7 августа забастовка была жестоко подавлена. Было убито много рабочих. Но эти события навсегда вошли в историю румынского рабочего движения как пример солидарности, героизма и непобедимости народа.