Executive Producer
Сара обращается в клинику для того, чтобы излечиться от бессонницы и ночных кошмаров, но вместо этого начинает чувствовать тревожные изменения каждый раз, когда просыпается. С помощью доктора девушка пытается вернуться к нормальной жизни, постепенно распутывая прочный узел из снов, реальности и даже трагического прошлого.
The camera follows the Trans-Canada Highway from east to west, revealing the people, the resources and the geography of Canada. Included are some of the engineering feats accomplished in the building of the highway.
Canada's progress in jet aviation is seen in relation to that of other countries.
This short documentary from 1950 captures the thrill of harness racing on Prince Edward Island. We follow Bellhop's career as a pacer, from his unwilling introduction to harness through trials with a bicycle sulky (or 2-wheel cart) to his first big race. The film culminates with scenes of trotters and pacers at Charlottetown's Old Home Week. - NFB
At the Canadian National Exhibition, a young boy gets separated from his parents and meets some celebrities.
This short documentary is a snapshot of the revolutionary change in status enjoyed by women between the turn of the 20th century and 1947. The film notes the significance of this evolution, highlighting women who today command respect as leaders in government, industry, science and the arts. Women's organizations and leaders, among them Senator Cairine Wilson, symphony orchestra conductor Ethel Stark and Madame Thérèse Casgrain, discuss the challenges of their times.