Jorma Tommila

Jorma Tommila

Рождение : 1959-01-01,


Jorma Tommila
Jorma Tommila


Финляндия, 1944 год. Немцы отступают, оставляя за собой выжженную землю. Бывший финский солдат находит в Лапландии золотую жилу, но по пути домой сталкивается с отрядом нацистов.
On Thin Ice
Temporarily homeless Jarna is in the deepest trouble of his life. Debtors have come to collect old drug debts and Jarna is given 24 hours to pay up, setting off a frantic, amphetamine fueled battle against time. Manic speed, fear of killers on his tail, paranoia and self-loathing over old wrongs eventually lead to a traffic accident. Jarna can no longer escape, his pace slows and he is on the verge of giving up. The moment has come when a near-lifetime of running must come to an end.
Бородатый нянь
Antti Pasanen juggles between taking care of Paavo, his work and personal life, until Enni has an accident and he has two kids to take care of.
Heroes of the Baltic Sea
Lauri Tott
The movie version of the 2016 adventure series Heroes of the Baltic Sea.
The Legacy
A coming-of-age story of the blood bond between brothers, almost impossible to break.
Большая игра
История робкого подростка по имени Оскари. Как и его прадеды, согласно традициям, мальчик должен провести один день и одну ночь в непроходимой глуши. Вооружённый только луком и стрелами, он должен вернуться с добычей, которая ознаменует его становление как мужчины. Кто бы мог подумать, что такой добычей станет президент США! Вот так судьба одного из самых влиятельных людей во всем мире оказывается в руках подростка. Вовлеченные в смертельно опасную, но от этого не менее смешную игру в «кошки-мышки», имея всего несколько часов форы — Оскари и Президент США должны сплотиться, чтобы пережить самую необычную ночь в своей жизни.
Санта на продажу
Это фильм для тех, кто думает, что он уже не верит в Санта Клауса. Далеко в заснеженных горах Лапландии, в ущелье на глубине 486 метров обнаружили находку, надежно укрытую от всех. Теперь пришло время открыть ее миру.
Служитель зла
Matias Krankke
Детектив Тимо Харьюнпаа, из города Хельсинки, расследует серию тяжких преступлений. Честный и добросовестный полицейский, один из лучших в городе, теряет свою дочь, которая была зверски убита. Несмотря на поддержку своей коллеги Онервы Никканен, детектив не может оправиться от потери. Параллельно поискам способа разделаться над убийцей своей дочери, он работает над странными смертями на станциях метро, которые приводят его к серийному маньяку. Но в то время как ему кажется, что он все ближе к поимке маньяка, на самом деле все наоборот. Харьюнпаа должен найти способ поймать маньяка и побороть темноту внутри себя..
The Father
13-летний мальчик живет вместе с мамой в заброшенном доме посреди леса. Деспотичный отец сидит в тюрьме. Жизнь течет незамысловато, пока в один из дней не появляется «чужой» — у него письмо от отца, и пуля под ребром. Мать и сын решают дать незнакомцу приют.
Sisters Apart
Taru elää ratsutilalla harmonista elämää miehensä Harrin ja tytärpuolensa Ninnin kanssa. Kaikki muuttuu, kun Ninni loukkaantuu hevosonnettomuudessa. Kymmenen vuotta sitten Ruotsiin lähtenyt Ninnin biologinen äiti Eve kutsutaan paikalle Tarun pyynnöstä. Even pikaiseksi kuviteltu käynti muuttuu pidemmäksi vierailuksi, kun Eve tajuaa, että hän haluaa menetetyt kymmenen vuotta elämästään takaisin. Kauan kytenyt kaipaus Ninni-tytärtä kohtaan nousee pintaan. Vähä vähältä Eve alkaa vallata tilaa perheestä takaisin itselleen, jolloin Taru menettää elämänsä hallinnan. Esiin nousee syyllisyyttä ja muistoja - rakkaitakin, vihaa ja tarvitsevuutta. Kaikki minkä Taru luuli olevan ehjää ja hallinnassa, kyseenalaistuu. Kymmenen vuotta puhumattomana olleet asiat vaativat selvittämistä ja kaikki neljä joutuvat etsimään oman paikkansa uudessa tilanteessa.
Год волка
Jarkko Salminen
Сари — талантливая студентка, изучающая литературу, внешне спокойная и уверенная в себе. Женщины завидуют ее уму и красоте, мужчины восхищаются ею. Но у Сари эпилепсия, страшное, таинственное заболевание, и боязнь новых приступов заставляет ее вести себя очень осмотрительно, сохраняя дистанцию с другими людьми. Познакомившись с Микко Громаном, пожилым лектором своего факультета, Сари замечает в нем знакомую отчужденность. Микко, живущий в собственном пространстве, чувствует себя свободно лишь в мире поэзии XIX века. В его лице Сари и находит близкого себе человека, но остальные видят в них лишь двух совершенно непохожих друг на друга людей.
High Hopes
Tale about an inventor couple and their obscured vision to raise a child to fly.
The Fakir
Guardian Angel
The Fakir is fairy tale about the responsibility of ones life, and avoiding it.
Официальная инструкция по безопасности корпорации «Санта на продажу»
Для того, чтобы правильно транспортировать и уж тем более использовать продукты корпорации «Редкие товары на экспорт», необходимо владеть определенными навыками, иначе последствия могут оказаться слишком плачевными…
Vares: Private Eye
Antero Kraft
Vares, a film noir comedy from Finland, is yet another twist on PULP FICTION. And, just in case we miss the similarities of splattered blood mixed with outrageous incidents, the movie explicitly references PULP FICTION and has a comedic scene in which two guys argue about McDonald's hamburgers. Still, VARES - PRIVATE EYE, by director Aleksi Mäkelä, manages to be kind of fun even not especially original. The script has more characters than the screenwriter can handle, leaving the audience frequently confused about who is doing what and why. The two best scenes are one about a wacky wedding and another about a guy who answers a cell phone call while he is busy enjoying the pleasures of a sex parlor.
Корпорация «Санта на продажу»
Трое опытных охотников отправляются в лес, чтобы добыть самые редкие и ценные трофеи рождественского сезона.
Raid is a mysterious drifter and ex-criminal who comes and goes as he pleases. He has been away from the country for an extended period of time but learns on his return that his ex-girlfriend Tarja has presumably died in a fire that he soon discovers was a larceny. He is also contacted by inspector Jansson, who he knows from the past regarding the murder of a protestor. Raid begins his investigation and soon finds that there's more to the cases than meets the eye.. This movie is a sequel to the very popular Raid TV series.
The Life of Aleksis Kivi
Aleksis Kivi (1834-1872) was a Finnish author who wrote the first significant novel in the Finnish language, "Seven Brothers/Seitsemän veljestä". Although Kivi was among the very earliest authors of prose and lyrics in Finnish language, he is still considered one of the greatest of them all.
Rollo and the Spirit of the Woods
Röllien kylänvanhin
Hairy and rowdy creatures called rolleys sail to a land inhabited by more peace-loving elves. When the rolleys arrive to the elf village, they scare the elves away and settle down in the village. One of the elves, Milli, a brave elf girl, returns to the village to make a peace with the rolleys. The rolleys do not warm to Milli's peace proposal, but she becomes friends with a rolley called Rölli. It becomes their mission to solve the conflict between the elves and the rolleys.
Akseli Ukkonen
Ukkonen (means Thunder) is a short film about a man called Ukkonen who was turned into a radioactive man in an accident in the Generator Corporation research plant, company secretly designing radioactive weapons with an energy business as a cover. Ukkonen starts his crusade to bring the company down and get his revenge. Nice quality for an independent production, even some special effects and some funny, overdramatic monologue by Ukkonen. Unfortunately the film is very short, lasting only about 20 minutes. Worth checking out if you somehow find this film.
Bad Luck Love
A shocking crime forces a man to re-evaluate his life, only to find that going straight is more complicated than he imagined. Ali is a low-level criminal who spends much of his spare time working out at a gym with his brother Pulu. Ali spends most of his day stoned on marijuana, while Pulu is known to drink cleaning products when he's run out of booze. Ali has fallen in love with Inka, a bright woman with a mind of her own, and her independent nature occasionally throws him into a fit of jealousy.
Finnish small time criminal gets a mission to get an Asian man from Sweden to Finland. In Lapland the frost gets on the nerves and the mission turns into a deadly arctic chase.
Finnish small time criminal gets a mission to get an Asian man from Sweden to Finland. In Lapland the frost gets on the nerves and the mission turns into a deadly arctic chase.
Maxmillian Tarzan
The authorities are after a time-traveler identifying as Maxmillian Tarzan.
Maxmillian Tarzan
Tarzanin ääni (voice)
The authorities are after a time-traveler identifying as Maxmillian Tarzan.
The Christmas Party
Joulubileet (The Christmas Party) might well be the closest to the ultimate cult movie that the Finnish film industry has ever gotten. The third directorial effort of Jari Halonen, a clearly distinctive voice in the local filmmaking landscape, is a timeless, absurd and at times completely insane piece of masculine comedy rough not only on the edges, but to the core. A story of Mike, just out of prison, and his buddies throwing a Christmas party under the most obscure circumstances is filled with juicy dialogue and plot twists that will definitely make your jaw drop – and have you chuckle for days after.
The Christmas Party
Joulubileet (The Christmas Party) might well be the closest to the ultimate cult movie that the Finnish film industry has ever gotten. The third directorial effort of Jari Halonen, a clearly distinctive voice in the local filmmaking landscape, is a timeless, absurd and at times completely insane piece of masculine comedy rough not only on the edges, but to the core. A story of Mike, just out of prison, and his buddies throwing a Christmas party under the most obscure circumstances is filled with juicy dialogue and plot twists that will definitely make your jaw drop – and have you chuckle for days after.
The Christmas Party
Bona Merenkylä
Joulubileet (The Christmas Party) might well be the closest to the ultimate cult movie that the Finnish film industry has ever gotten. The third directorial effort of Jari Halonen, a clearly distinctive voice in the local filmmaking landscape, is a timeless, absurd and at times completely insane piece of masculine comedy rough not only on the edges, but to the core. A story of Mike, just out of prison, and his buddies throwing a Christmas party under the most obscure circumstances is filled with juicy dialogue and plot twists that will definitely make your jaw drop – and have you chuckle for days after.
Lipton Cockton in the Shadows of Sodoma
Lipton Cockton
The 21st-century tale centers on taciturn detective Lipton Cockton as he looks into a series of murders involving exploding victims. The main clue in the case is the white halter dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in the subway vent scene in The Seven Year Itch. This clue directs Cockton to the highest levels of the super company LTD Prods. But though Cockton tries and tries, he cannot get there and ends up himself blown to smithereens.
Kiimaiset poliisit
The protagonists of the series are three cops - married couple Marita and Goofy and Marita's old love, Oiva. After years, Marita and Oiva meet and escape into the woods during a police operation. In the soft heat of August, the cops are trying to find a place of fulfillment and save the world from evil. In the whirlwind of a triangle drama, they encounter missions, murderers, priests and betrayers - rage, crime, tears.
Back to the USSR
Assistant Director
Reima Elo ends up trying to commit suicide when he is abandoned by his wife Molla. He is also the village's laughing stock due to his communism. At a critical moment, a Lenin lookalike from Russia named Vladimir rescues him.
Back to the USSR
Reima Elo ends up trying to commit suicide when he is abandoned by his wife Molla. He is also the village's laughing stock due to his communism. At a critical moment, a Lenin lookalike from Russia named Vladimir rescues him.
Back to the USSR
Reima Elo ends up trying to commit suicide when he is abandoned by his wife Molla. He is also the village's laughing stock due to his communism. At a critical moment, a Lenin lookalike from Russia named Vladimir rescues him.
Back to the USSR
Reima Elo
Reima Elo ends up trying to commit suicide when he is abandoned by his wife Molla. He is also the village's laughing stock due to his communism. At a critical moment, a Lenin lookalike from Russia named Vladimir rescues him.
Hamlet suspects his uncle has murdered his father to claim the throne of Denmark and the hand of Hamlet's mother, but the prince cannot decide whether or not he should take vengeance. Direct television broadcast from Kino Helsinki. Students from Theatre Academy Helsinki working under director Jouko Turkka.
Kullervo, mistreated, goes to war.