Молодая супружеская пара с нетерпением ждет ребенка. Но еще больше его появления ждет демон Абизу, жертвами которого, согласно иудейской мифологии, являются беременные женщины и младенцы. Клэр и ее супруг оказываются в общине, которая ведет давнюю борьбу с этим порождением зла. Удастся ли с их помощью героям снять ужасное проклятие, которое нависло над их родом, или их постигнет участь хуже смерти?
Молодая супружеская пара с нетерпением ждет ребенка. Но еще больше его появления ждет демон Абизу, жертвами которого, согласно иудейской мифологии, являются беременные женщины и младенцы. Клэр и ее супруг оказываются в общине, которая ведет давнюю борьбу с этим порождением зла. Удастся ли с их помощью героям снять ужасное проклятие, которое нависло над их родом, или их постигнет участь хуже смерти?
Молодая супружеская пара с нетерпением ждет ребенка. Но еще больше его появления ждет демон Абизу, жертвами которого, согласно иудейской мифологии, являются беременные женщины и младенцы. Клэр и ее супруг оказываются в общине, которая ведет давнюю борьбу с этим порождением зла. Удастся ли с их помощью героям снять ужасное проклятие, которое нависло над их родом, или их постигнет участь хуже смерти?
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The city of Chicago is plagued by gang violence on both sides of the city in this modern retelling of the classic Romeo and Juliet story. In the midst of their chaos, two young lovers must navigate their dangerous circumstances to escape their affiliations.
Halloween season is in full spirit as River Falls University is having their best football season in over a decade and the students are celebrating. Jocks, nerds and sorority sisters alike flock to massive parties filled with music, drugs and sex but that's not all they'll find. There's a killer crashing parties. The school color's of RFU go from gold to red, as blood floods the campus grounds.
Halloween season is in full spirit as River Falls University is having their best football season in over a decade and the students are celebrating. Jocks, nerds and sorority sisters alike flock to massive parties filled with music, drugs and sex but that's not all they'll find. There's a killer crashing parties. The school color's of RFU go from gold to red, as blood floods the campus grounds.
Halloween season is in full spirit as River Falls University is having their best football season in over a decade and the students are celebrating. Jocks, nerds and sorority sisters alike flock to massive parties filled with music, drugs and sex but that's not all they'll find. There's a killer crashing parties. The school color's of RFU go from gold to red, as blood floods the campus grounds.
In the year 2024, homosexuality has been outlawed by an extreme right-wing government. Only one extraordinary man can stop this wave of terror and repression, a superhero for our troubled times.
A group of amateur paranormal investigators, frustrated with the lack of any solid evidence after months of attempts, decide to provoke and taught spirits from the afterlife in a last ditch attempt for a paranormal encounter. The experiment works, but they have awakened something angry and very deadly - something that follows them home and now will not leave. The investigators must now defend their home, and their family, from the spirits who were brought into this world and are not going without taking some souls with them.
Blake is captain of the football team and destined for a career in the pro leagues - that is if he passes his chemistry class. But destiny has a way of tackling the toughest of players when demons invade his college and begin to enslave the student body. A divine angel descends to give Blake an invincible suit of super football pads and send him out to battle the forces of evil. Unfortunately, the suit is missing one vital piece - the jock strap. In order to get it back, Blake must descend into the underworld and face the guardians of doom known as The Chainsaw Maidens from Hell. And he's got to do all this while studying for a chemistry quiz.
Documentary from Tony Moran