Greg Spottiswood


Greg Spottiswood was born on September 14, 1964 in Mississauga, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is a writer and producer, known for All Rise (2019), Noise (2005) and Remedy (2014). Attended the National Theatre School in Montreal. Began acting professionally at the age of 17.


Eight Days to Live
A mother searches for her lost son, who after four days still has not returned from a party at a friend's house a day's drive away.
Ice Men
For the first time since taking possession of the family cabin, Vaughn has invited his best friends up for a winter weekend of hunting and drinking. But the arrival of unexpected visitors turns a simple getaway into two days of life-changing turmoil.
DC 9/11: Time of Crisis
Matthew Scully
This is the story of the days directly after 9/11, and the president's whereabouts. Scheduled to air shortly before the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks, DC 9/11 takes an inside look at the Bush Administration, beginning with the day of the attacks, and following the President's journey to Ground Zero, culminating with his now famous national address nine days after the attacks.
Потерянный в снегах
Mr. Moss
Лётчика, доставляющего припасы в отдалённые поселения в тундре, уговорили взять на обратный рейс больную молодую женщину, чтобы доставить её в больницу. Во время полёта отказал двигатель самолёта и они упали далеко в глуши, поэтому надежды на спасение со стороны ожидать не приходилось и лишь им вдвоём надо было бороться за выживание. Привыкшая жить в условиях холода женщина учит мужчину, как им остаться в живых, и вызывает в нём чувства уважения и дружбы.
The Moving of Sophia Myles
A pastor's cherished wife is thrown into despair and experiences a crisis of faith after his mysterious death.
Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story
Fred Wright
Anne is persuaded to join her fiance, Gilbert, in New York City as he begins his tenure at a major hospital. However, any chance of lasting happiness is dashed when Gilbert enlists to serve in The Great War in Europe. Anne stays behind and takes up writing, but learns that contact has been lost with Gilbert. Seeing no other option, Anne decides to venture to Europe herself to find him. In doing so, she begins an adventure that will challenge her wits and imagination to the limit.
All-American Girl: The Mary Kay Letourneau Story
Steve Letourneau
A teacher is arrested and jailed for raping her 13-year-old student, and twice gives birth to his child.
Семья полицейских 3
Evan Chandler
В заключительной третьей части саги о семье полицейских, инспектор полиции Пол Фейн ждет повышения по службе и, в тоже время пытается справиться с семейными проблемами. А его сын расследует загадочное убийство банкира. Но когда жизнь парня окажется под угрозой, герой Бронсона будет вынужден вновь взяться за оружие...
Looking for Miracles
Ryan Delaney
Sixteen-year-old Ryan Delaney has won a scholarship, but it's not a full one, so he needs a summer job to pay for his university expenses. And although he's not eighteen, he can't swim, and has never been to camp, he manages to get a job as a camp couselor. But his mother makes him take his younger brother, Sullivan, with him to camp, since she can't look after him while she's working. But camp turns out to be harder than both Ryan and Sullivan thought it would be; and as they fight their battles, they learn about each other, themselves, and what they can do together.