Andrea Belfiore

Andrea Belfiore


Andrea Belfiore


Belle da morire
Bruno is a cynical but attractive business man, owner of a strip-club. He has to replace his best dancer, Katy, after her suicide. Applicants would do anything to get this job, but only Damy, gorgeous and mysterious girl, catches his attention. What he doesn’t know is that she only has one thing on her mind: revenge.
On the Dark Continent
amica di Sparafico
In the 1950s, a big stir was made by a book (and its corresponding movie) called The Ugly American. Its subject was the grievous damage done to local cultures by well-meaning but essentially clueless (and frequently arrogant) representatives of the U.S. Since then, the phenomenon of cultural damage cause by arrogant tourists and visitors has been demonstrated to be something everyone is capable of. In this thoughtful, comic drama, the subject is Italians overseas. In this film, Malindi Kenya is the playground of rich Italians.
spogliarellista del night club
Шесть новелл, рисующих несколько комичных ситуаций: во время венчания молодой пары в церковь приезжают два маляра-недотепы и переворачивают все вверх дном; два автомеханика портят жизнь владельцам авто своими выкрутасами; парочка коммивояжеров предлагают товар хозяину гостиницы, а в результате вынуждены возмещать причиненный ими ущерб; в похоронном бюро служащие приводят в состояние полной прострации родственников покойных; в выходной день приятели устраивают переполох на пляже; два дружка на свое несчастье оказываются двойниками настоящих мафиози…
The Adventures of Hercules
First Amazon
Hercules searches for the Seven Thunderbolts of Zeus, which have been stolen by renegade gods.
Il tassinaro
Eusebio's Wife
Pietro Marchetti, a mature Roman taxi driver, has countless and interesting meetings while he is on duty with his car "Zara 87".
Patrick Still Lives
Lydia Grant (uncredited)
A group of strangers are summoned to the secluded home of Patrick, a young man rendered comatose after a freak accident, but soon find themselves falling victim to Patrick's mysterious psychic powers and murderous rage.