Inas Chanti

Inas Chanti


Inas Chanti


Elle & lui & le reste du monde
The show presenter
A teenage girl lives with her grandmother and worries she will be removed by social services. She sets off to get adopted by someone she admires more than anything, one of the most powerful women in the world.
Je t'aime, filme-moi!
This film is a tribute to love, a tribute to cinema. Our two main characters take us with them into the intimacy of "real people". We cross the roads of France with them, in their different vans and pick-up trucks transformed for the occasion into mini movie studios. Their concept: to film "declarations of love" and to deliver them directly by van to their recipients. And we discover, as we go along, that our duo and their own personal adventures are subtly intertwined with the people they film. This mix of genres offers several universes to the spectator in order to make him question himself about love.
The Horizon
On the northern outskirts of Paris, where housing projects rise out of fields, Adja, 18, burns with the desire to live intensely. While her brother breaks out as a pro soccer player, her best friend blows up as an influencer on social media, and her mother struggles to save her hometown in Senegal, Adja has only a blurred vision of her future. With Arthur, who becomes more than a friend, her political and environmental awareness rises, and Adja joins the fight of her generation.
Так близко к солнцу
Каждое утро молодой человек просыпается в новой реальности, не помня ничего о своей прошлой жизни. Как ему выбраться из этого кошмара?
Louise the roommate
Софи 28 лет. Она хотела бы стать художником, но не училась в художественной школе. Она хотела бы найти любовь, но ждет, когда та сама постучится в ее дверь. Софи меняет любовников и работу. Она живет по принципу: «Сноси удары судьбы, а если понадобится – бей первой». У нее в голове крутится песня Дэниела Джонстона о том, что настоящая любовь в конце концов придет.
We're Not Animals
His ex Marie became an Instagram star (thanks to an activist group focused on the female orgasm). Depressed, Igor believes this is a deliberate campaign to prevent him from finding someone else.
Fille du train
Dje arrives in Paris penniless, relying on his charm to get by. He seizes every opportunity which comes his way, even if it means killing.
Les chiens aboient
Une copine
In the absence of her sister Rim, what was Yasmina doing in a car park with their boyfriends Salim and Majid? Rim knows nothing about it, but that's because Yasmina is doing her utmost to prevent her from finding out. What was it, then? The unmentionable... the worst thing ever... supersize shame - and it was all captured by Salim in a potentially highly volatile video...
Two teenage sisters deal with the Muslim taboo of premarital sex.