Ion Ioachim Stroe


You Are Ceaușescu to Me
An experimental blend of documentary and fiction in which young people aged between 15 and 22 from different backgrounds are auditioning for the role of young Nicolae Ceausescu in the mid-1930s while trying to find the drive behind his actions.
Через 40 дней
Действие происходит в райском местечке в глухой деревушке и начинается на поминальной службе покойной жены Эмиля. Некоторое время спустя Эмиль замечает, что его лучший друг Тити выглядит все хуже и хуже. Он пытается выяснить причину происходящего с ним - оказывается через сорок дней после смерти призрак его покойной жены явился Тити и не собирается оставлять его в покое.
Муж и жена, долгое время находящиеся в отношениях, решают благодаря встречам со случайными людьми, что забыть прошлое может быть лучшим доказательством любви в их случае.
Simple Women
An epileptic director trying to make a film about the life of famed Romanian actor Elina Löwensohn discovers that her real-life subject bears little resemblance to the star she idolized.
A man and a woman wake up to find themselves at an abandoned beach. They try to remember what brought them to this place and how they are related.
The Afghanistans
Sporadic gunshots echo among the ruins of a village which, though abandoned, is an objective of great import for the Romanian government. This forces two young men to lead a hard negotiation, both for the fate of the settlement and for their own future.
В добром здравии
Юрист собирает информацию о последнем дне жизни своего отца — судьи, загадочные обстоятельства смерти которого вызывают у окружающих подозрения насчет его молодой вдовы.
Date Night
Andrei works at a car-wash. Due to a series of unfortunate events he gets fired. This is terrible news for Andrei, as he is getting married soon. At home he and his future wife argue and Andrei invents a story in order to avoid the fight. Who knew this was going to be a bad idea?
Date Night
Andrei works at a car-wash. Due to a series of unfortunate events he gets fired. This is terrible news for Andrei, as he is getting married soon. At home he and his future wife argue and Andrei invents a story in order to avoid the fight. Who knew this was going to be a bad idea?
Cinema, Mon Amour
Follows the story of Viktor Purice - manager, former projectionist and lifetime cinephile and his two loyal employees, Cornelia & Lorena, in their everyday battle to preserve Dacia Panoramic Cinema in Piatra Neamt - one of the last remaining cinemas in Romania today. Having lived through "the golden age" of cinema, Viktor dreams of bringing back the good old glory days, yet struggles to keep up with the new harsh reality. In a theater that lacks heating and is slowly falling apart, with no support from the State who owns the place, it’s almost a Don Quixote fight.
Vlad, 38, works as a tour guide on cruise ships. When he started work ten years ago, he left behind a failed relationship and a small child: Max, his son, who is now almost a teenager. Vlad happens to come back to Romania for a week and tries to connect with his son and make up for the lost time.
By the Rails
After a year away for work, a husband spends his first night back home trying to reconnect with a wife who seems more distant than he remembered.
The Magic Mountain
The film investigates the adventures of mountain climber and photographer Adam J. Winkler, who fought in Afghanistan with the Mujahideen against the Soviets in the 1980s. The director employs a highly original artistic technique involving animated collage of period materials.
The Bridges of Sarajevo
Thirteen European directors explore the theme of Sarajevo; what this city has represented in European history over the past hundred years, and what Sarajevo stands for today in Europe. These eminent filmmakers of different generations and origins offer exceptional singular styles and visions.
Призрак отца
Сами — единственный человек, который может знать что-то о дедушке Траума, еврее румынского происхождения. Символическое путешествие в поисках корней будет наполнено опасностями, неизведанным и фантастическим, но за любопытство Трауму воздастся сполна…
Кухня: мужчина и женщина тихо обсуждают историю Красной Шапочки, чтобы не разбудить девочку, спящую в соседней комнате. Пустырь на окраине города: за заброшенными автоприцепами скрывается мужчина и тихо наблюдает за какой-то семьей. Тот же город, тот же мужчина: вооруженный охотничьим ружьем, он бороздит автомобильные пробки. Мужчине — 42 года, его зовут Вьорель. Во власти темных мыслей он идет по городу к одному ему известной цели…
While people in Western Europe were used to choose between hundreds of brands, the communist Romanian used to have a different experience: all our life we lived with only one brand for each basic product. Imagine the importance that this 'mono-brands' could acquire for the lives of those who made them and for the lives of those who consumed them. A love story between man and object.
В маленьком румынском городке в дельте Дуная обитает семья, которая отчаянно пытается выжить, еле-еле сводя концы с концами. Рина, шестнадцатилетняя девушка, помогающая отцу в ремонте автомобилей, стремится найти своё место в жизни, разрываясь между мечтами о счастье и беспощадной действительностью.
I matter
In a seemingly easy theatre exercise, Rebeca, a young Roma woman, student at an elite acting school, is pushed to confront her biggest fear.