Ryan Prescott


Академия вампиров
В современной Америке, в школе в штате Монтана обучаются вампиры. С 17-летней дампиршей (дитя вампира и смертной женщины) Розмари и ее подругой Лиссой происходят разные приключения, они проверяют свою дружбу на прочность, страдают и теряют близких людей. Их жизнь проходит на фоне кровавых вампирских войн…
How far would you go to achieve your dreams? That's the question that Mark Jenkins is constantly asking himself. A young, gay actor fresh out of LAMDA, Mark's got the looks, the ability, and the charisma to go all the way. His agent can get him the auditions, but the parts are just never quite right. That's because in Mark's mind, there's only one man who can help him: James Francis -an older established writer as well as a renowned gay icon. However, what begins as an ambitious idea soon turns into obsession, with Mark slowly gatecrashing the life of his idol.