Fred Maske


Pirates of the Caribbean: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked
Atencio, The Poor Pirate
Wenches Scarlett and Giselle fix each other up for their wedding, in which they would each marry their groom. Upon realizing that both their grooms were the same man, Jack Sparrow, the two wenches found themselves in an auction led by the Auctioneer. This short film serves as a prequel to The Curse of the Black Pearl, and explains just why Jack Sparrow's boat the Jolly Mon was seen sinking at the beginning of the whole story; why the wenches were so upset with him; and how Cotton lost his tongue.
Jason's Big Problem
Donald the Patient
A good looking, but shy man with a tragically small penis takes a fringe herbal remedy that makes him grow and grow and grow.
The Russian
It's the middle of the night in a diner at the edge of town and a man has settled in to read a book and enjoy a club sandwich. Unfortunately, he is in the wrong place at the wrong time.