Věra Štinglová

Рождение : 1928-08-26,


Modrý pták
Království květin
Director of Photography
Jaké vlasy má Zlatovláska?
Director of Photography
Princezna za dukát
Director of Photography
Přes padací mosty
Director of Photography
Heřmánková víla
Director of Photography
O nebojácné Bětce
Director of Photography
Všechny krásy života
Director of Photography
O podezíravém králi
Director of Photography
Paní Liška
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Hádání s Hadovkou
Director of Photography
O Popelákovi
Camera Operator
Klobouk, měšec a láska
Camera Operator
Blankytná pohádka
Director of Photography
Jak se mele babí hněv
O štěstí a kráse
Spící princ
Director of Photography
Až já budu královna
Director of Photography
Hodina splněných přání
Director of Photography
Budulínek Mandelinka
Director of Photography
Honza a tři zakleté princezny
Director of Photography
Záhada na sobotní dopoledne
Director of Photography
Darmošlap z Nemanic a princezna Terezka
Director of Photography
Jak se peče štěstí
Spor dramaturga Stroupežnického
Director of Photography
Spor architekta Zítka
Director of Photography
Jak Jaromil ke štěstí přišel
Director of Photography
O labuti
Camera Operator
Story about fate, and their fatal consequences.
Spor herečky Kvapilové
Director of Photography
Pohádka z šafránové louky
Director of Photography
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Director of Photography
Based on the novel by Jules Verne.
Bílí jeleni
Director of Photography
Sometimes a little kid thing causes a lot of grief. Twelve-year-old Tomáš (F. Renč) is going through a bad time at school and his classmates get him into trouble. When he goes to a convenience store with them, they steal some change, throw it in his briefcase and run away. Thomas is caught by the manager. But he doesn't tell his classmates and eventually runs away too. He hides in a game preserve with white deer. The gamekeeper (R. Brzobohatý) finds him there, but Tomáš refuses to return home. Eventually, the two meet once more, and this time it will be a happy meeting.
Jedničky má papoušek
Director of Photography
Život je tvrdolín
Camera Intern
Bratři Kipové
Director of Photography
Upír ve věžáku
Director of Photography
O vysoké věži
Director of Photography
Dary hadího krále
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
O líném Honzovi
Director of Photography
Florijánkovo štěstí
Director of Photography
Zůstanu s tebou!
Director of Photography
O Všudybylovi
Director of Photography
Nezbedná pohádka
Director of Photography
Historie lodě Bečky
Director of Photography
Zlaté pometlo
Director of Photography
O Terezce a paní Madam
Director of Photography
O stříbrném kamínku
Director of Photography
Jak se ševcem šili čerti
Director of Photography
O Nanynčiných koláčích
Director of Photography
Sova sídlí v dutém stromě
Director of Photography
Poklad pod Černou hláskou
Director of Photography
Měsíční kámen
Director of Photography
Zbojník Ondráš
Director of Photography
Petr pátrá s námi
Director of Photography
Královská ozvěna
Director of Photography
O ševci Matějovi
Director of Photography
Pohádka o drakovi
Director of Photography
Jak Anče s komtesou k modrému z nebe přišly
Director of Photography
O Bumbrlíčkovi
Director of Photography
Zlatá hvězda na cestách
Director of Photography
Nemaluj si čerta na zeď...
Director of Photography
Uloupený princ
Director of Photography
Konec draka Kusodrápa
Director of Photography
Král, kejklíř a hvězdář
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
O princezně ve věži
Director of Photography
Za ranních červánků
Director of Photography
Nejsem chmýrko na bodláku
Director of Photography
Jak se stal hastrman v Rokytnici ševcem
Director of Photography
Kalif čápem
Director of Photography
O tlustém pradědečkovi
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Růžová Anička
Director of Photography
Tři stromy
Pučálkovic Amina
Director of Photography
Sedmero krkavců
Director of Photography
Pentos a Iola
Director of Photography
Tři přadleny
Director of Photography
Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera
Director of Photography
O fajfce s myslivcem a jelenem
Director of Photography
Cesta řeky k moři
Director of Photography
Dva šlechtici z Verony
Director of Photography
Malá mořská víla
Director of Photography
Den končí ráno
Additional Camera
Oliver Twist
Director of Photography
Zapomenutý čert
Director of Photography
Tři veteráni
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Dařbuján a Pandrhola
Director of Photography