Melanie Annan


Три песни для Беназир
Шаиста недавно женился на Беназир и живет в лагере для перемещенных лиц в Кабуле. Он мечтает служить в афганской армии, чего раньше никогда не делали его соплеменники, и старается выполнять обязанности молодого мужа. И хотя Шаиста явно любит Беназир, чтобы построить жизнь с ней, он должен принять решение, которое будет иметь глубокие последствия.
The Goldfish
An adopted woman is forced to confront her darkest fear about motherhood at her sister’s baby shower.
Девушка грёз
Импульсивный музыкант, борющийся с шизофренией, влюбляется в таинственную женщину, которая — плод его воображения. Когда она внезапно исчезает, он в поисках её отправляется в путешествие по Австралии, привлекая к помощи брата.
Waiting for the Miracle to Come
An aspiring trapeze artist discovers a cryptic letter, written once by her recently deceased father, that leads her to a gold mine in a remote California desert.
The Coin
In Chinese New Year holidays, finding the coin inside the dumplings means having a blessed year ahead. A young woman loses a jar on her journey to a new country, which contains the lucky coins she has been collecting growing up. Her new life begins with a search to find the coin.
Mr. Talented
Inspired by a true story, Mr. Talented follows a space-obsessed photographer whose life and sanity unravels as he struggles to make a name for himself in the art world.
Los Angeles Overnight
A struggling actress inherits a bevy of colorful villains after desperation (with a touch of femme fatale) drives her and her gullible boyfriend to steal big from the Los Angeles underworld.
A tomboy comes into her own when she decides not to wear a dress to prom.
Cronulla Riots: The Day That Shocked the Nation
On Sunday December 4, 2005, 3 Cronulla lifesavers were coming off duty when they passed a group of 8 Lebanese young men. They stared at each other, a heated verbal exchange turned quickly into a violent brawl, resulting in 3 lifesavers being beaten up. This event was to spark 10 days of violent mob attacks and retaliations, the likes of which Australia had never witnessed. This is the story of the dramatic events covering the lead up to and the 10 days between 4th and 13th December 2005 known as the Cronulla Riots.
Gone Doggy Gone
Gone Doggy Gone is a comedic feature about a couple stuck in a lack-luster marriage who treat their dog like a baby. Working the grind in LA they leave little time for each other, and what free time they have they spend doting on the dog... until it gets kidnapped. What ensues is an outlandish cat-and-mouse adventure as they hunt down the kidnapper, enlist a schlubby PI, find a renewed love of each other, and conquer their fear of parenthood.
Four Ladies Dancing
Four eccentric women inhabit the rococo ruins of an isolated gothic mansion, amusing themselves with innocent young ladies who occasionally join them. Their new guest, a quiet and haunted girl, arrives as a borderline schizophrenic. The four ladies taunt and humiliate their naïve young foundling, occasionally speaking to her in nonsensical non-sequiturs. She escapes, returns, and discovers her destiny, joining the countless others who came before her. “Four Ladies Dancing” was originally financed by a grant from The American Film Institute and features an all-female cast.