Girl with Zolotov
1841 год. Новый Орлеан. Красавица, певица и международная авантюристка Клэр Леду, она же Лили, готовится выйти замуж за богатого банкира Чарльза Жиро. Но в «свободное» от будущего супруга время, она встречается с бедным, но красивым морским капитаном Робертом Латуром и не видит никакого вреда в этом развлечении. При всем этом она окружает себя интригами и заговорами, в которые становятся вовлеченными многие ее знакомые и не знакомые сограждане, ведь ее конечная цель- это не романтические встречи, а реальные деньги богатых кавалеров...
Flyer (Uncredited)
Trixie is a female pilot looking to win a big race to advance her career. During one race, however, her plane becomes damaged, and she needs help to repair it. She meets a Navy pilot named "Tex" Price and tries to gain his aid. Tex soon meets another pilot, Gerry, a novice who seeks to win an important upcoming race. Tex, concerned for Gerry's safety, tries to convince her not to race. But Gerry, now a rival of Trixie's, is determined to fly.
Jean (as The Brewster Twins)
George Cabot Jr., the son of a department store owner, enrolls Kristina Nielsen, the store's sports clerk, at a university to use her as an advertisement for their fashion department. She falls for Larry Taylor, a teacher, and gets expelled.
One of the Brewster Twins
As part of their public feud, Bandleader Bernie pretends a girl singer is no good so columnist Winchell promotes her in his column.
One of the Brewster Twins
Social butterfly marries Park Avenue doctor and learns that his nurse is in love with him.
Housewife's twin sister
Buster, an ice delivery man, falls for one of his customers, not knowing she has a twin sister living next door.