Felicity Douglas


My Teenage Daughter
Magazine editor Valerie Carr lives in London with her two daughters Jan, aged seventeen, and Poppet, thirteen. When Jan is invited to a party at the Savoy, she meets dashing young Tony Ward Black mad about jive, owner of a Bentley, and supposedly running through a legacy. Attracted to the daring young man, she rejects Mark, a young farmer who is in love with her. But it soon becomes apparent to everyone but Jan that neither Tony's fortune nor even his name may be his own, and her association with him will lead her into delinquency and danger.
It's Never Too Late
Theatre Play
When a sedate wife and mother decides her family takes her for granted, she pens a movie script -- and it becomes a hit film. Suddenly faced with instant celebrity, she must choose between being a highly paid author and a middle-class housewife.