Shannon Fewster


Québexit is a multi-lingual (English, French, Cree) ensemble political comedy: when a transnational pipeline leads to a successful third Québec sovereignty referendum, a small road at the Québec-New Brunswick border becomes a lighting rod of conflict between the new Québec military, the Canadian Armed Forces and two indigenous women who traverse the border frequently.
Story Editor
Québexit is a multi-lingual (English, French, Cree) ensemble political comedy: when a transnational pipeline leads to a successful third Québec sovereignty referendum, a small road at the Québec-New Brunswick border becomes a lighting rod of conflict between the new Québec military, the Canadian Armed Forces and two indigenous women who traverse the border frequently.
Меняющий жизнь
First Assistant Director
Дрю - оборотень, который вынужден поглощать тела людей, принимая их облик, чтобы не погибнуть мучительной смертью. Но в большом городе незаметно находить новых жертв не так то и просто. Однажды он влюбляется в женщину, мужа которой поглотил, и оказывается перед нелёгким выбором: обречь её на вечные муки потери любимого человека или признаться в своей ужасающей сущности.
When Justin's libidinous teenage explorations are sabotaged by Emily, the ghost who haunts his room, he must reconcile his previous promise of joining her in the afterlife with growing up.
Assistant Director
Short film written and directed by Emily Diana Ruth.