María Ellingsen
Рождение : 1964-01-22, Reykjavík, Iceland
María Ellingsen (born January 22, 1964, in Reykjavík, Iceland) is an Icelandic actress starring in movies such as The Mighty Ducks 2. She can speak English, German, Danish and Faroese. She had a contract role on NBC's daytime drama Santa Barbara as Katrina Rukyer from 1991 to 1992.
Soon after Elizabeth receives this text message, her mother isn't the only one lost in sleep. Elizabeth's car has broken down. It's freezing cold, no sign of life nearby. She just has to wait, patiently. The recovery guys will be here soon, Elizabeth. Till then, she warms her young hands on the vents, drifts into a strange slumber, followed by an even more surreal awakening. Icelandic landscapes merge with Elizabeth's memories. Fears are magically transformed into comforting and fantastical fabrics. Father, upstairs, alone.
A man makes himself at home in the residence of a woman he runs into on the street.
Вернардур любит водку и свою лошадь Джарпур, а вот Генгис с русского рыболовецкого траулера не пьет, но обожает таких лошадей как Джарпур… Джоанне очень нравится проводить время со своей кобылой Родкой, но та влюблена в свободу. Хуан пытается найти Бога в исландских высокогорьях, а его старая лошадь безмерно устала и жаждет лишь покоя. Чем закончатся все эти истории?
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A postal worker falls in love with the Chinese waitress at a Chinese restaurant. They start dating and quickly fall in and out of love, the waitress returning to China. The young man looks for comfort in his father but he's too preoccupied with winning the Eurovision song contest. After listening to loser friends talk about what Sylvester Stallone would do in his situation, the postal worker decides to buy a ticket to China and follow his love to her home.
Karlsdóttir/Gate Manager
Нью-йоркская журналистка, по имени Беатрис, отправляется в путешествие в экологически чистую Исландию на поиски своего пропавшего жениха. Но вместо суженого находит монстра, убившего его. В отличие от большинства сказочных чудищ, сильно пьющий монстр-отшельник, найденный героиней, оказывается одиноким существом в глубокой депрессии. Очарованная инфернальным шармом своего нового знакомого, и страстно желая ему помочь, Беатрис забирает монстра с собой в Нью-Йорк. В падком на сенсации 'Большом Яблоке' заморское чудо-юдо становится знаменитостью номер один. Но лицемерное, бездушное, цивилизованное общество не может принять монстра. Единственное на что оно способно это... убить его.
Follows the infamous Sólborgarcase where a mother and her brother were accused of killing their newborn.
A little girl "kidnaps" her half-sister in order to get the attention of her father who left her mother years ago for another woman (who gave birth to her half-sister)
In a barren land ruled by oppression and ignorance, a spirited woman driven by hope of a better life must fight against the odds. Agnes is a servant in the house of the county sheriff. There she is constantly sexually harassed by him and treated with contempt by his wife. Agnes falls in love with Natan, a self taught homoeopathic doctor. The sheriff takes revenge on Natan by making it illegal for him to practice his profession. The dramatic relationship between the three main characters ultimately leads to a fatal web of events where a love affair turns into a nightmare of brutality and destruction.
Peter and Katherine Witner are Southern California super-yuppies with great jobs but no center to their lives. When they both lose their jobs and begin marital infidelities, their solution is to start their own business together. In order to find meaning to their empty lives, they follow various New Age gurus and other such groups. Eventually, they hit rock bottom and have to make some hard decisions.
Во второй части фильма «Могучие утята» становятся птицами большого полета. Теперь бывшие неудачники — национальная сборная, которая отправляется на Игры доброй Воли в Лос — Анджелес. Гордон Бомбей приглашен тренером в новую команду, где он снова встречает своих старых друзей.
Вместе они прошли огонь и воду. Но в солнечной Калифорнии их ждут еще и медные трубы: юным чемпионам так трудно удержаться от соблазнов беззаботной жизни звезд. Между тем, «Могучим утятам» предстоит ледовое побоище с непобедимой сборной Исландии. На подопечных Гордона смотрит весь мир. Им нельзя проиграть!
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George C. Scott and William Petersen are expatriates living in Curaçao. They're bound together by an understanding that each is hiding from a dangerous past.
Edda Magnúsdóttir
Magnús is a 45-year-old lawyer, whose routine is upset by the personal news that he is suffering from cancer. This causes Magnús to stop and think about himself, his life and his family. If his life is going to end sooner than he expected, he wants to know how much it's been worth to him. Has life been worth living? Is it worth fighting for; is it worth a struggle against death? He takes a look at his family, a group of ordinary people, who are the colourful heroes of everyday life, struggling along in a world far removed from the world of high finance, power politics and international intrigues, but yet to them their lives are lives of high adventure. Those adventures, from the sublime to the ridiculous, form the storyline of the film, told against the background of Magnús' dilemma.
Tommi and his half brother Kiddi travel through Iceland with a money transport. A reunion develops into a nightmare after picking up the hitch-hiker Lísa.
Benjamín Eiríksson, a middle-aged man, has reached a cross-road in his life. A pioneer in engineering, who has achieved all the goals open to him in his profession. A respected father and loving husband, his heart is now silent. His children are leaving home, his wife is estranged from him. The vast power-stations, once the proud symbols of his ingenuity and creativity, now appear merely stark monuments to vanity and futility. Craving love, friendship, understanding, he tries to make a fresh start, in search of a life of adventure, a life with meaning.
Soon after the break of the pandemic and realizing that his clock is ticking, Kristofer gets the urge to embark on a journey to try to find out what really happened when his Japanese girlfriend mysteriously vanished without a trace from London fifty years earlier.