Emily Stranges


Гид по свиданиям для любителей собак
Саймон считает Хлою любовью всей своей жизни, но не может завоевать расположение её собаки. Чтобы это изменить, он обращается к симпатичной дрессировщице Алекс, которая пытается спасти приют для собак.
On the Fringe of Wild
Wardrobe Coordinator
A 2000's Romeo and Juliet in small town Ontario, where love does not win, but surviving players grow up to accept themselves as members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Two lovers find themselves in a stalemate as the late-night booty call starts to get old. Can a fresh cup of coffee infuse new life into their relationship, or will it kill it once and for all?
The Christmas Temp
Staff Member Lisa
An out of work artist discovers a special Christmas temp agency that matches her with a handful of festive jobs, but falls into a creative rut while juggling holiday preparations and feelings for the agency's HR manager.
Dance Together
Dance Together follows two teen girls brought together by a passionate need to express themselves. Holly, an injured dancer, and Alex, a shy girl who is Deaf, have a chance meeting that sparks a creative partnership. Alex introduces Holly to American Sign Language poetry and helps her gain the confidence to stand up to her bullies, while Holly helps Alex add a dancer's flair to her poetry routine that just might put her group over the top. Dance Together features original and licensed songs along with stunning choreography.
Your Mother and I
Casting Director
When his parents announce their divorce, ten-year-old Neil believes he's stuck in a dream and sets out on a mission to wake up.
Midnight Marathon
Screaming Woman
When the whole world is hypnotized by an unexplained celestial event, a young boy must face his fear of the unknown in order to keep his brother and best friend from turning to the other side.
Entertaining Christmas
Livingstone Fan
Candace, daughter of lifestyle mogul Liz Livingstone, has never lived up to her mother’s standards. When a young girl posts a video begging Liz to help arrange a special Christmas party, Candace is sent in her place. As she struggles to prove herself worthy of running the company, Candace meets—and begins falling for—the girl’s uncle, a reporter writing an expose on her.
Breathe, Maggie, Breathe
A high school girl gets an abortion without telling her boyfriend.
Kathy Lamar
A tortured ex-Negotiator, once pride of the Boston Police Department is taken hostage in his home. A psychological confrontation takes place while the kidnappers demand that he completes a mysterious mission for them.
Camp Rock 2: Отчетный концерт
Camp Rock Student
Митчи, Шейн, Джейсон, Нейт и их друзья возвращаются в музыкальный лагерь «Саmр Rock», чтобы весело провести еще одни летние каникулы. Однако вскоре они узнают, что на другом берегу озера открыл свои двери новый современный лагерь для юных музыкантов «Саmр Star», переманив к себе многих вожатых, преподавателей и ребят из их родного лагеря. Будущее летнего лагеря «Саmр Rock» под угрозой. В довершение всего Люк Уильямс, самый крутой исполнитель из «Саmр Star», предлагает устроить состязание между лагерями, чтобы определить самого талантливого музыканта. Ребята начинаютготовиться к решающей битве, в то время как Нейт влюбляется в дочь владельца лагеря-соперника…