Nicolas Boucart


Quitter la nuit
Key Grip
The day after a party turned nasty, Dary, Aly and Anna must face the echoes of the violence that transformed all three of them.
On a tiny island encircled by steep cliffs, a unique house stands alone facing the sea. Obsessed by the dream that, one day, man may be able to fly just like a bird, an inventor experiments with machines on this abandoned piece of land. For this man, only a pure, light and naive soul is capable of such a feat. Recruited from the continent, 11-year-old Joseph seems to be the perfect candidate.
Токийская невеста
Key Grip
Амели полна надежд начать новую жизнь — она едет в Японию, страну своего детства, чтобы найти вдохновение и написать книгу. На новом месте девушка дает объявление о частных уроках французского языка, и ее первым и единственным учеником становится Ринри — очаровательный молодой человек, с которым они вскоре сблизятся. В трудностях перевода, в неловких вечеринках и спонтанных путешествиях Амели откроет для себя невиданную Японию и научится любить.
Next Year
Camera Operator
Clotilde and Aude are 18. They have always been best friends, growing up together in the same small village in the South of France. Despite their differences, they have a strong and exclusive friendship. With their contrasts they attract each other, and they seem to be enough for one another. But Clotilde, looking for something else, decides to leave to study in Paris the following year, after the baccalaureate. She takes Aude along with her in this departure far from their roots. Refusing to admit that their paths are separating little by little, Clotilde and Aude persuade themselves that their friendship can survive anything.