Florence Gill

Рождение : 1877-07-27, London, England, UK

Смерть : 1965-02-19


Florence Gill was an English actress and voice actress. For Disney, she provided the voices of Walt Disney's Clara Cluck and The Wise Little Hen. She also provided the clucking sound effects of the condors, chickens, hens, and roosters in a number of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Chip and Dale, Pluto, and Silly Symphonies cartoons. She even appeared in live-action in the film, The Reluctant Dragon alongside Clarence Nash to cluck an operatic duet as Clara alongside Nash's Donald, most likely for Mickey's Grand Opera. Her interment was located at Chapel of the Pines Crematory in Los Angeles, California.


Walt Disney's Fables - Vol.6
Florence Gill / Clara Cluck (voice)
Two classic animated shorts from the Disney studios. In 'The Reluctant Dragon' (1941), a young boy and a famous dragon fighter team up to teach a docile dragon the art of being a force to be reckoned with. In 'Mickey and the Beanstalk' (1947), Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck confront the fearsome Willie the Giant to try to retrieve the magical singing harp to Happy Valley.
Walt Disney's Fables - Vol.5
Hens (voice)
Six more animated stories from the Disney studios. 'Three Blind Mousketeers' follows the misadventures of the outrageous trio. In 'Three Little Pigs', the Big Bad Wolf is doing his best to cunningly snare the guileless little pigs, while in 'Three Little Wolves' he goes one step further and decides to disguise and train his own offspring to lure them into his fold. 'Funny Little Bunnies' explores the mystery of the Easter Bunny. 'Lambert the Sheepish Lion' is a lovable, shy lion who plucks up the courage to protect his adopted family of ewes and rams. 'Ferdinand the Bull' gets in a scrape at a Madrid bullring when he gets stung by a bee and the crowd mistake him for a fighting bull.
Mickey's Family Album
Clara Cluck (voice)
Mickey & Company
Clara Cluck (voice)
Mickey's Golden Jubilee
Clara Cluck (voice)
Чип и Дейл: Необычный цыплёнок
Hen (voice) (uncredited)
Чип и Дейл забредают на ферму, чтобы собрать желуди. А Дейл ошибочно принимает куриное яйцо за орех.
Дональд Дак: Зелёный сад
Hens (voice) (uncredited)
Маленький жук решает, что трава более зеленая во дворе по соседству. К сожалению, этот двор является собственностью Дональда Дака.
Дональд Дак: Волшебное око
Hen (voice) (uncredited)
Дональд изучает гипнотизм из книги и использует его на Плуто.
Дональд Дак: Птица кондор
Condors (voice) (uncredited)
Во время альпинизма в Андах Дональд попал под крыло матери-кондора, которая приняла его за одного из своих новорожденных детей.
Chicken Little
Hens (voice) (uncredited)
It's a peaceful day at the local poultry farm until Foxy Loxy happens along intent on a chicken dinner. He takes the advice of a book on psychology by striking "the least intelligent" first and convinces dim witted Chicken Little the sky is falling. Chicken Little spreads the word but when head man Cocky Locky proves the story to be false, Foxy Loxy spreads rumors that Cocky Locky isn't the smart chicken he appears to be, which leads to the ultimate undoing of the chickens at the hands of Foxy Loxy.
Я женился на ведьме
Woman Playing Chess (uncredited)
В 1672 году, когда пуританец Джонатан Вули сжигает на костре двух колдунов, Дженнифер и ее отца Дэниела, они проклинают всю его семью на то, что потомки-мужчины будут всегда себе выбирать не тех жен. В 1942 году Дженнифер и Дэниел возвращаются, чтобы отомстить нынешнему потомку Джонатана Вули — Уолласу, который баллотируется в местные сенаторы и, чтобы укрепить свое положение, собирается жениться на Эстель Мастерсон. Но у колдунов свой план его неудачи — напоить любовным напитком накануне свадьбы. Нечаянно Дженнифер выпивает этот напиток и влюбляется в Уолласа.
Eagle Squadron
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
Obliging Young Lady
Miss Hollyrod
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Микки Маус: Час симфонии
Clara Cluck (voice) (uncredited)
Как могут сыграть музыканты, оставшиеся без инструментов? Реакция публики на этот концерт оказывается полной неожиданностью и для музыкантов, и для их музыкального продюсера.
Микки Маус: День рождения Микки
Clara Cluck (voice) (uncredited)
Друзья собрались у Микки дома и решили устроить ему сюрприз: подарили ему замечательный электроорган. Гости веселились, пели и танцевали — праздник удался на славу.
Концерт для сироток
Clara Cluck (voice) (uncredited)
Микки устраивает большое шоу, чтобы собрать деньги для осиротевших мышей. Это цветная версия одноименного мультфильма 1934 года.
Микки: В стиле 90-х
Chickens (voice) (uncredited)
Давайте заглянем в старый семейный альбом. Когда-то в далекие девяностые годы дедушка Микки так романтично и красиво ухаживал за бабушкой Мини.
Несговорчивый дракон
Clara Cluck (voice) / Florence Gill
Большинство известных драконов — кровожадные, огнедышащие монстры, нo есть среди них один, который любит играть, петь и даже сочинять стихи. Таким бы он и был, если бы один маленький мальчик не рассказал ему о том, каким должен быть настоящий дракон. Прекрасная история о самосознании и независимости для всех!
Дональд Дак: Золотые яйца
The Hens / Rooster (voice) (uncredited)
Дональду трудно добывать яйца из курятника, поэтому он замаскировался под курицу, чтобы получить их.
Farmyard Symphony
Hens / Rooster (voice) (uncredited)
The farm comes to life, to various classical tunes. The high point is a rooster serenading a chicken, with all the animals joining in. But then comes the sound that's even more welcome to the animals: the farmer and his wife with food (the only actual words spoken).
Дональд Дак: Охота на лис
Clara Cluck (voice) (uncredited)
Дональд и Гуфи отправляются охотиться на лис. Дональд управляет собаками (или возможно они управляют им), а Гуфи верхом на лошади. Поймать лису дело не из легких.
Дональд Дак: Самоконтроль
Hen (voice) (uncredited)
По радио диктор советует считать до десяти, если вас что-то начинает раздражать. Дональд решает воспользоваться советом, но какое терпение выдержит, если тебе мешают отдыхать назойливые птицы и гусеницы!
Mr. Dodd Takes the Air
Miss Carrie Bowers (uncredited)
A country bumpkin becomes a singing sensation on the radio.
Ever Since Eve
Annie - the Cleaning Lady (uncredited)
Madge Winton (Marion Davies), a beautiful secretary, makes herself look homely in order to avoid advances by lecherous bosses. When her new employer, writer Freddy Matthews (Robert Montgomery), accidentally sees her without her disguise, she has to pretend to be her roommate Sadie.
She Had to Eat
Singer (uncredited)
An Arizona gas station owner faces comic adventures after traveling with an eccentric millionaire to New City, where he meets up with a small-time con woman and is repeatedly mistaken for a gangster.
Микки и конкурсанты любители
Clara Cluck (voice) (uncredited)
Микки Маус проводит любительское шоу талантов перед живой аудиторией радио.
Mother Pluto
The Hen (voice) (uncredited)
Pluto accidentally hatches a bunch of chickens and looks after them until the hen returns.
Микки Маус: Большая опера Микки
Clara Cluck (voice) (uncredited)
Микки Маус руководит оперой. Он дает большое представление, но нежданно на сцене появляется Плуто, и трагедия превращается в комедию…
Cock o' the Walk
Hens (voice) (uncredited)
The title character comes to town, complete with portable boxing ring. He grabs a local chicken and dances with her, inspiring several other barnyard animals to dance. But her rooster takes offense, and enters the ring to do battle.
Путь вниз на восток
Quilting Party Woman
A family living on a farm in Maine takes in a young woman to stay with them, not knowing that the woman is not quite what she seems and has a secret in her past that she hasn't told them about.
Here Comes the Band
Mrs. Ella Sacks (uncredited)
In this musical, a songwriter goes to court to claim the rights to his song that was stolen by an unscrupulous music publisher. He brings his girlfriend with him. Also going to court are the Jubilee singers, hillbillies, and some cowboys and Indians who demonstrate that the composer wrote his song by rearranging four folk tunes. He wins his song back and $50,000 in damages. Songs include: "Heading Home," "Roll Along Prairie Moon," "Tender Is the Night," "You're My Thrill," "I'm Bound for Heaven," and "The Army Band."
Every Night at Eight
Chicken Lady Singer (uncredited)
Three young girls working in an agency have build a singing trio. They want to "lease" the Dictaphone of their boss to make a record of their singing, but they are caught and fired. When they are not able to pay their rent any longer, they decide to try it on an amateur contest at a radio station.
Концерт для сироток
Clara Cluck (voice) (uncredited)
Микки устраивает большое шоу, чтобы собрать деньги для осиротевших мышей.
The Wise Little Hen
Wise Little Hen (voice) (uncredited)
Join Donald Duck in his debut in the classic animated short The Wise Little Hen. The Little Hen is planting corn and would like to have help from Peter Pig and Donald Duck, but they refuse stating they each have a "tummy ache." When it comes time to harvest the corn, Peter Pig and Donald still refuse to help the Hen, so she and her chicks do the harvest by themselves. Finally, the hen cooks the corn and offers some to Donald and Peter Pig, but when they look more carefully they discover a surprise.
Funny Little Bunnies
Hens (voice) (uncredited)
We see bunny rabbits preparing for Easter, by making chocolate eggs and rabbits, decorating eggs, and weaving and filling baskets.
Dora's Dunking Doughnuts
Singer on Radio Program
A schoolteacher helps his friend Dora by getting his students to help him to make a radio commercial.
The Ugly Duckling
Mother Hen (voice)
The film begins with a mother hen sitting on her eggs from which six baby chicks are born. Though initially overjoyed, her mood changes to disgust when the final egg hatches out a duckling. Though the duckling desperately attempts to win his foster family's acceptance, the mother hen is adamant in her refusal to care for an infant that isn't even her species, let alone not even hers.
Birds of a Feather
Mother Hen (voice) (uncredited)
Swans, peacocks, ducks, and more birds dance.