Danny Fenton


The Truth Behind: Zombies
With commentary from zombie enthusiasts and cult experts, virologists and mathematical epidemiologists, this unique show separates the truths from the fiction that surrounds one of popular culture's most tangible monsters.
World Cup's Most Shocking Moments
Executive Producer
Richard Bacon and guest presenter Peter Crouch look back on the 50 greatest shocks in the history of the World Cup, covering the last six tournaments and including moments such as Maradona's 'Hand of God', Zinedine's Zidane's headbutt in the 2006 final and England's penalty pain. Featuring first-hand accounts from people who were there, such as David Seaman talking about getting lobbed by Ronaldinho, John Barnes exclusively revealing how Gazza nearly rapped on World in Motion, and Graham Poll talking about his infamous third-yellow-card moment.
50 Most Shocking Moments in World Cup History
Executive Producer
Richard Bacon and guest presenter Peter Crouch look back on the 50 greatest shocks in the history of the World Cup, covering the last six tournaments and including moments such as Maradona's Hand of God, Zinedine's Zidane's head-butt in the 2006 final and England's penalty pain.
The Truth Behind the Moon Landings
Executive Producer
Цикл документальных фильмов от канала Discovery. Базз Алдрин, Маркус Аллен, Патрик Мур, Йен Моррисон, Нил Мориссей, Джим Оберг, Ричард Андервуд О фильме: Высаживались ли астронавты "Аполлона" на Луне? Этот вопрос лежит в основе теории самого масштабного заговора в истории человечества. Детище эры политического недоверия и всеобщей настороженности. Инсценировка, художественная постановка? Теория лунного заговора раздражает тех, кто связан с полетами. С их точки зрения, любая мысль о мистификации выглядит совершенно безумной. Сможем ли мы, построив собственные лунные декорации, обнаружить научную истину и навсегда отмести разговоры о заговоре. Автор идеи: Вирджиния Куинн