Eero Tammi


BLUSH – An Extraordinary Voyage
For 18-year-old Finnish–Kosovan Fatu, a simple visit to the grocery store feels as nerve-racking as a lunar expedition: for the first time in his life, he’s wearing makeup in public. Luckily his best friend Rai, a young woman on the spectrum of autism, is there to ferociously support him through the voyage.
Благосердная ночь
Пока вся страна соблюдает карантин, трое незнакомых мужчин среднего возраста случайно встречаются в баре в центре Хельсинки. В течение ночи они вместе разбираются в жизненных ситуациях с целью получить ответы на вопрос «И как жить дальше?».
Лапландия, тундра, небольшая шахтёрская деревушка. Пространство среди разваливающихся бытовок и трейлеров наполняется взаимной ненавистью шахтёров и оленеводов. Молодой шахтёр Рупи, потерявший связь со своими родителями, влюблён в жену друга, на которую положил глаз хозяин шахты. Столкновение между мужчинами становится неизбежным.
Running in three parallel images in black & white and colour, and complemented with an evocative soundtrack, Biblion opens the dense and layered heart of the book. Fluid shapes of marbled covers, varied fibres of paper, dissolving appearances in printing ink are only some of the elements in a surreal world of enchanting visual narrative.
Running in three parallel images in black & white and colour, and complemented with an evocative soundtrack, Biblion opens the dense and layered heart of the book. Fluid shapes of marbled covers, varied fibres of paper, dissolving appearances in printing ink are only some of the elements in a surreal world of enchanting visual narrative.
Running in three parallel images in black & white and colour, and complemented with an evocative soundtrack, Biblion opens the dense and layered heart of the book. Fluid shapes of marbled covers, varied fibres of paper, dissolving appearances in printing ink are only some of the elements in a surreal world of enchanting visual narrative.
The film is about a show dancer, Kristal, 40+ years, blond hair woman, who with a Lada car goes around small pubs and entertains people. First she seems a bit ridiculous, self-sufficient and naive, a potential victim, an circus animal, but she comes out as something else. Kristal is a weird saint, who takes to bear all the hate, despair, lust and confusion around her and through that gives people a momentary relief.
Waste vol. 1
Consulting Editor
A documentary consisting of six chapters.
Antti Peippo – The Tourist
Peippo’s film rolls from 1974 with “tourist” written on the package lead to a mysterious journey through time and to an homage to his entire career.
From Matti with Love
Divorced, middle-aged Matti picks up Maša near the Finnish-Russian border. Maša was waiting for a different man called Jukka, but agrees to go with Matti when he claims he is a friend of Jukka's.
From Matti with Love
Divorced, middle-aged Matti picks up Maša near the Finnish-Russian border. Maša was waiting for a different man called Jukka, but agrees to go with Matti when he claims he is a friend of Jukka's.
Driving Lesson
Minna is taking driving lessons. The teacher starts to behave inappropriately.
Time inevitably moves from past to future, passing the present moment. Mankind encloses to time its marks, stains and ruins. On the verge of vast changes time acts abnormally. It leaks, folds and fractures, allowing things belonging elsewhere, to the otherworldly, to
permeate itself. In the 8mm film the Helsinki Olympic Stadium represents a historical paradigm shift. Completed in 1938 the building outlines pure functionalist architecture and stands as a landmark for optimistic utopia and the oblivion on man’s neglect of history.
See You Some Bloody Day
A movie about a movie that was never made.
See You Some Bloody Day
A movie about a movie that was never made.
Hannes Blank
The dramatic horror short takes the audience on a joyride through the night in the company of its titular character, a young gentleman by the name Hannes Blank (Joonas Ranta). Sounds, colors, music, fear, loathing and eroticism. A reverend and a security guard, a mysterious redhead, a strange janitor, a silent cat, a big-boned bastard, an innocent sufferer and a loud laughter.
60 секунд одиночества в нулевом году
Associate Producer
Альманах, состоящий из шестидесяти кино-открыток длиной в одну минуту, которые сняли 60 режиссеров из разных стран мира. Проект разработан как ода 35-миллиметровой пленке и посвящен сохранению свободы мысли в кино.