Laura Morgan


Смотрите, как они бегут
Лондон, 1950-е. Отчаявшийся голливудский кинопродюсер решает поставить фильм по популярной пьесе. Вскоре всех участников постановки убивают, и расследовать это берутся уставший инспектор Стоппард и усердный новичок, констебль Сталкер.
Beyond the Pale
Katherine Shore
Mr. Whicher is hired by former Home Secretary Sir Edward Shore to investigate the violent threats made against his son Charles, who has recently returned from India with his family.
Jenny Winger
A small boy is hurt by a horse on his father's ranch and he refuses to even be near one ever again. When a storyteller called Seven arrives with his huge imposing horse Amanda, everything changes.