Gülhan Tekin

Gülhan Tekin

Рождение : 1975-05-03, İzmir, Türkiye


Gülhan Tekin
Gülhan Tekin
Gülhan Tekin


Aile Hükümeti
Geçmiş Olsun
Bana Bir Soygun Yaz 2
New Wine In Old Bottle
The medical team that came to the village in the late 1990s placed an intrauterine contraceptive device in all women with at least three children. As the men of the village sit down and ponder what the device worn by the women is, they conclude that the state has wired them through a series of misunderstandings. Until this misunderstanding is cleared up, everything in the village is set to change.
Oflu Hodja in Thrace
Oflu hodja is chairman of the Doganspor football club and he wants a new transfer for the club. He founds a player named Hayati and he goes to Luleburgaz for the transfer. At the same time Haspi has came out of jail and they look alike.
Dargın Kuzenler
Maide'nin Altın Günü
When a meticulous homemaker hosts a lavish get-together, her family heirloom gets stolen. She teams with her out-of-towner nephew to find the thief.
Deli Dumrul
Deli Dumrul is an epic character in Turkish literature. Dumrul fell in love with "Guncicek", one day Dumrul heard the Reaper took her soul. Dumrul wondered, who is the Reaper, then he challenged The Reaper.
Overnight Republic
Peker Mengen wins the post of mayor in a remote town with the promise of a visit by the prime minister and making the town a province. When the people do not forget his promise, Mengen ends up persuading the prime minister to visit the town with his idiosyncratic methods. After consulting with his advisors, Peker prepares a grandiose welcome ceremony, but when the ceremony gets out of his control, the town of 5000 people suddenly ends up becoming a country, one that is at war with America. As Peker Mengen, his unwillingly married wife Mualla and his advisors try to keep America at bay and struggle with the difficulties of establishing a new country, they even get the help of an alien to achieve their goals.
Deli Aşk
Машина времени 1973
Government Woman 2
Government Woman
Xate is an ordinary woman from Midyat with eight children in tow. The only thing that sets her apart is her husband's job as Mayor of Midyat. Until, that is, an extraordinary day changes her life - and the lives of everyone else in Midyat. For the illiterate, uneducated Xate becomes Mayor of Midyat! While she takes on her mayoral duties much as she does those in her house, the infantile rivalry between her children in municipal matters leads to adventures that have the Midyat folk howling with laughter.
Here Comes The Holiday
Everyone has different expectations of summer. And Comedy Kitchen: Holiday Recipes has a place for them all.
Их веселая жизнь
Burdened by troubles and caught between cultures, Riza takes a job as a mall Santa and finds that real life may not be so different from make believe.
Я видел Солнце
Protectory Worker
В юго-восточной Турции идет многолетняя война, от которой люди стараются укрыться в горных пещерах. Уходя от огня и лишений, главные герои картины решаются на разлуку – одни представители семьи остаются в Стамбуле, на родине, а другие, с помощью контрабандистов, уезжают в Норвегию. Их участь, как и судьба других эмигрантов, нелегка – с трудом найдя работу в супермаркете, они живут как беженцы, готовые в любую минуту сорваться с места. Тем временем, оставшаяся в Стамбуле семья несчастлива по-своему: героиня картины переносит операцию из-за осложнений, возникших во время беременности, а ее сын сходится с компанией трансвеститов, которые стараются внушить ему новую систему ценностей..
Белый ангел
Keke Ali'nin Yengesi
Али и Решат привозят своего отца Ахмета, больного раком мозга, в Стамбул для прохождения курса химиотерапии. Ахмет, не желая больше выносить тяжелого курса лечения, сбегает из больницы и от своих детей и оказывается в доме престарелых. Жители дома престарелых, полагая, что Ахмет брошен своими детьми, настаивают на том, чтобы он остался. Ахмет, которому трудно разговаривать, соглашается с ситуацией. Али и Решат находят отца в доме престарелых, но видя, что он кажется счастливым, не противятся тому, чтобы он остался. То, что их отец проживет свои последние дни в спокойствии и счастье, гораздо важнее, чем лечение, которое может оказаться бесполезным, но причинит ему много боли. У каждого жителя дома престарелых есть своя история и своя личная драма. По мере того, как Ахмет узнает жизненные истории каждого из них, все они становятся ему еще ближе и дороже.
It is 80's Turkey, local musicians of Adiyaman are hired by the military and trained to welcome one of the forceful generals of coup regime.
Magic Carpet Ride
A struggling, suicidal young comedian meets a car thief who is willing to teach him a few things about his profession.
Elephants and Grass
Elephants and Grass (Turkish: Filler ve Çimen) is a 2001 Turkish drama film, written and directed by Derviş Zaim, about six different stories that merge into a common theme. The film, which went on nationwide general release across Turkey on January 5, 2001, won awards at film festivals in Antalya and Istanbul, including the Golden Orange Behlül Dal Jury Special Award.