Izabella Tzenkova


Moments Like This Never Last
Dash Snow rejected a life of privilege to make his own way as an artist on the streets of downtown New York City in the late 1990s. Developing from a notorious graffiti tagger into an international art star, he documented his drug- and alcohol-fueled nights with the surrogate family he formed with friends and fellow artists Ryan McGinley and Dan Colen before his death by heroin overdose in 2009. Drawing from Snow’s unforgettable body of work and involving archival footage, Cheryl Dunn’s exceptional portrait captures his all-too-brief life of reckless excess and creativity.
Walking on Water
An uncensored look into the artistic process and personal relationships of Christo, an artist known for his large-scale installations. For the first time since the passing of his wife and partner, Jeanne-Claude, Christo sets out to realize, The Floating Piers, a project they conceived together many years before.
Камилле всего восемнадцать лет и она интроверт. Главная героиня "Скейт-кухни" является ярой поклонницей скейтбординга. Она живет вместе со своей мамой-одиночкой на Лонг-Айленде. Однажды Камилла получает серьезную травму, и обещает матери навсегда завязать со скейтбордингом. Однако, желание кататься сильнее нашей героини. На Instagram она натыкается на "The Skate Kitchen", субкультуру молодых девушек, жизнь которых вращается вокруг скейта. Она присоединяется к этому сообществу. Сексуальные и стремительные девушки быстро переворачивают мировоззрение наивной героини картины.
Gringo Shamans
Ron’s life takes a turn when he moves to Peru to become a shaman. After years of training in the jungle, the Ayahuasca boom propels him from monk to superstar possibly threatening the integrity of an ancient tradition.
Window Feel
When a man is looking through a window he begins to see different people representing different feelings.
The Wolfpack
Locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Angulo brothers learn about the outside world through the films that they watch. Nicknamed ‘The Wolfpack’, the brothers spend their childhood reenacting their favorite films using elaborate home-made props and costumes. Their world is shaken up when one of the brothers escapes and everything changes.