Fernando Florido


The Black Moon
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After experiencing a series of traumatic, seemingly unrelated, accidents, Eva begins to notice that her daughter Luna is behaving in increasingly strange ways.
Howl of the Devil
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Hector Doriani (Paul Naschy) is a stage and screen actor who feels himself living in the shadow of his dead twin brother, Alex Doriani, once a famous star of horror movies. Alex’s young son, Adrian, now lives with Hector in an isolated mansion in the countryside. To keep alive the memory of his father, the boy imagines himself visited by the spirit of the dead man, incarnated in a series of classic horror characters from the past. Eric, Alex’s former butler, now also works for Hector. His main role is to locate and bring to the mansion a series of women who are paid large sums of money by Hector to take part in various sadistic sex games. To complicate matters even further, the games always seem to end with the women getting slaughtered in various gruesome ways by a black gloved, masked killer. Also on hand is horror diva Caroline Munro, as Hector’s housekeeper and cook, who is being pursued by a local priest with whom she once had a much-regretted affair.
The Sea Serpent
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A serpent, created by radioactivity, threatens a Spanish coastal town.
My Friend the Vagabond
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Nazario is a wanderer who makes his living playing an old guitar in the streets of Madrid. From what he gets, he lives together with Sam, an orphan of eight years, which he hosted for charity and adores. The problem is that a wealthy and childless marriage intends to take the child
The Last Kamikaze
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A cruel hitman nicknamed "Kamikaze" uses all kinds of methods to carry out his jobs. One day he will have to face an old enemy who has an old account pending with him.
The Beast and the Magic Sword
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His bloodline damned by a witch, Waldemar Daninsky heads to Japan to seek a cure for his werewolf curse.
Good Evening, Mr. Monster
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Four boys get lost in the forest in the middle of a storm and go take refuge in an abandoned mansion. There they will meet and face Dracula, the Werewolf, Quasimodo and Doctor Frankenstein. Despite the attempts of the monsters to scare them and, in passing, recover the lost prestige, the boys, with the help of Count Dracula's son, will face the evil creatures.
Revenge of the Black Wolf
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Black Wolf is forced again to fight his rival, who now has been appointed California Governor. Against such power, the lonely 'wolf' fights a duel to the death.
The Black Wolf
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A version of "Zorro" (fox in Spanish) but this time is a wolf... and black, located in California in mid-nineteenth century
Despido improcedente
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Le c... de Marilyne
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Marilyne, a young French girl, is studying in Paris, where she lives a quiet and peaceful life in the company of Herve, a young faculty member. Her life is altered by the behavior of her mother Paula, a woman immersed in vice and corruption, dominated by an easy disposition to love the young people who come to her. Arrangement that leads her to feel a deep passion for her daughter's boyfriend, thus breaking the tranquility of the two young people.
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Chicken, a desperate hippie junkie living in a small Spanish village, is finding it difficult to separate fantasy and reality. This isn't helped by the villagers practising magic and child sacrifice, or his involvement with a group of boozy expatriates lost in their own dreams and regrets.
Операция «Чудовище»
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Испания, 1973 год. Диктатор Франсиско Франко правил страной с 1939 года железным кулаком, но сейчас он очень стар и болен. Будущее ослабленного режима находится под угрозой. Адмирал Карреро Бланко - его естественный преемник. Баскская террористическая банда ETA решает, что он должен умереть, чтобы предотвратить продолжение диктатуры.
Волшебное зелье
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Пако в сопровождении своего друга Артуро направляется в старинный горный замок, где его ждет очаровательная невеста Сульфурина. Правда, семейное гнездышко красавицы на поверку оказывается мрачноватым местом, где гостей встречают разлегшиеся в тени виселицы скелеты, но мало ли какие странности бывают у хозяев. Впрочем, оказавшись в самом замке молодые люди обнаруживают еще много необычного. Для начала, хозяин поместья и отец невесты оказывается мертв и лежит в гробу, окруженном черными свечами. Священник отчего-то носит на груди перевернутое распятие, а в доме шагу некуда ступить, чтобы не наткнуться на статую некоего козлоподобного существа. Слегка растерявшись от такой обстановки Пако и Артуро не заметили, как поменялись ролями.
La ocasión
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Rare Ramón Larraz thriller in which Teresa Gimpera and her husband get terrorized by a gang of hippies.
The National Shotgun
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A catalan manufacturer of intercoms travels to Madrid, accompanied by his mistress, to attend a hunt that he has organized. Its main purpose is to mix with people of high society to improve their business. All seems well until the owner of the farm shows full authority over James, who is the real organizer of the meeting. The celebration is diverse characters who live next to absurd situations.
A Dog Called... Vengeance
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A political prisoner in a South American dictatorship escapes and is pursued throughout the country by a bloodthirsty dog.
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Времена инквизиции. Ведьма влюбляется в генерала, который заключил договор с дьяволом...
The Shameful Secret of a Good Boy
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Кто может убить ребенка?
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Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
Nosotros, los decentes
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All the Screams of Silence
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Cops and a reporter attempt to capture a mysterious killer plaguing the city.
House of the Damned
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A young woman just released from a mental institution returns home to her mansion and faces a new set of horrors.
Curse of the Devil
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The great inquisitor Ireneus Daninsky has Countess Bathory burned alive and her female followers hanged. Before perishing in the flames the countess puts a curse on Daninsky and his descendants. Four centuries later, Waldemar Daninsky accidentally shoots a gypsy while hunting a wolf. The angry gypsies, who knew of the curse, summon up the Satan and the beautiful Ilona is chosen to seduce the young lord. During a night of love, Ilona bites Waldemar who turns into a werewolf killing his preys on full moon nights. His murders are first attributed to a mad killer escaped from the asylum. Waldemar, who suspects the killer is none other than himself, falls in love with Kinga, the daughter of a professor from Budapest. When Maria, Kinga's jealous younger sister, manages to seduce Waldemar and sleep with him, she is killed by the young man, once again turned into a werewolf.
Поезд ужасов
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1906 год. Геологическая экспедиция находит в глухом районе Китая захоронение. Останки грузятся в Пекине на транссибирский экспресс. Уже при погрузке русский священник утверждает, что там нечистая сила.
La tonta del bote
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Susana is an unappreciated, naive and somewhat clumsy orphan who has lived since she was a child at doña Engracia's house, because her mother died a few days after she was born. In this house, which also houses three nephews of doña Engracia without a penny to one's name, Susana is the maid of all. Economic necessities lead Engracia to rent a room. Felipe, a handsome man with a bad reputation, will reply to the ad.
Разыскивается живым... но лучше мертвым
Makeup Artist
После смерти богатого дядюшки братья Монти и Тэд Маллиганы узнают, что им причитается весьма приличное наследство - 300 000 долларов. Но, по завещанию, они смогут получить деньги только в том случае, если смогут прожить под одной крышей не менее полугода. Только вот братья на дух не переносят друг друга…
Panthers Eat the Rich
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In order to access a more important position in the company, Don José, a wealthy bachelor, must get rid of his lover. To try to achieve this, he must get her romantically entangled with his friend Vicente.
Fantasía... 3
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The film is an adaptation of three fairy tales classics of children literature. "The Maiden of the Sea" tells the story of Coraline, a mermaid who wants to be human afte she falls in love with a Sailor Prince. "The 3 hairs of the Devil" tells the story of Tomasin, a young man of humble background, which a seer had a presentiment that he would marry the daughter of the king, who must perform a series of tests to avoid death, and marriage the princess is accepted by the king. "The Wizard of Oz" tells the story of Sylvia, a girl who get lost in the woods with her dog Toto, and along with her friends The Scarecrow, The Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, have been snatched the brain, heart and courage, respectively. They go the Emerald City to request help from the Wizard of Oz adapting three children’s stories: , The three hairs from the devil and The Wizard of Oz.
Hour of Death
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When Bob Carey is released from prison after a long sentence for murder, begins the search for Mary, his former girlfriend. But soon he finds out that during his absence, she has married Clifford, a wealthy landowner. The happiness of that marriage is only apparent, Mary, in fact, is seriously ill, suffering from a brain tumor whose pains she attributes to an imaginary pregnancy. It becomes necessary to bring to the city of Laredo for an operation, so Clifford sells all his possessions and begins the long journey towards hope. Soon others will join the expedition: a former army scout named Rogers, a nice Chinese cook, Lin-Chu, and a mestizo that responds to the name of "Bets".
Ella y el miedo
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The Gang of Eleven
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Inspired by the American gangster films, a group of thugs decides to dock the Bank of Spain. "El Rubio" explains to his men that, to commit the armed robbery, they will have to dig a gallery in the Cibeles. But, due to the threats of a rival band, "El Rubio" decides to disguise itself and pretend to be one of the most famous actors of the moment.
Una isla con tomate
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Todos eran culpables
Key Makeup Artist
Los económicamente débiles
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La fiel infanteria
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Trío de damas
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Tormento d'amore
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"Torment of love" - Sara and Pietro meet in Barcelona and immediately a strong friendship grows between them, that soon turns into love. Sara does not dare to tell Pietro about a recent affair with a man called Roberto.
Saeta rubia
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Some urchins simulate an accident and steal a wallet. To their surprise, it turns out to be that of the famous footballer Alfredo Di Stefano, popularly known as "La Saeta Rubia". Driven by the admiration for their idol, the urchins decide to return it. At this time, Di Stefano and his wife establish a great friendship with the guys and project together the creation of the football team "Saeta".
The Coyote's Justice
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California, 1840s. Wealthy landowner César de Echagüe, secretly acting as El Coyote, the legendary masked hero, continues his fight against the injustices and abuses suffered by the Hispanic population at the hands of the US Army.
The Coyote
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California, 1848. An invading army has defeated the few opposing forces and the territory has become part of the United States. Don César de Echagüe, an old gentleman, begs his son César to return from Europe, confident that he will know how to confront the oppressor.
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Ana Ruiz, a young actress who works in a traveling theater company, plays only minor roles, but she hopes to succeed and prefers the success to the love of Michael. When the company decides to release "Heaven is not far," Ana hopes to be the young protagonist, however, the paper turns to fall on the veteran Carmen. The businessman Charles Marquez offers Ana to be the star in the new play if she becomes his lover
Estrella de Sierra Morena
Close to heaven
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The Girl at the Inn
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Juan Luis and Dimas arrive to the "Venta del Catite", a tavern run by Rafael and his goddaughter Reyes. The tavern is frequented by tuna fishermen in the region, but in reality it is a cover for smuggling. Rafael decides to hire a beautiful singer, Raquel, to distract customers and the two new arrivals, so that he can do his business without being disturbed.
La virgen gitana
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Through a pictoric play, this movie tells the story about the painter Eduardo Miranda who, one night, while he was lokking to a gipsy group that was dancing, discovers a beautifull girl called Carmen. Dazzled by her beauty he decides to paint a picture. This causes roumours in the neighborhood, and it also arouses the jealousy of his wife.
Toast to Manolete
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Biographic film about the life of the bullfighter Manuel Rodríguez alias "Manolete".
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