Nadia Kounda

Nadia Kounda


Nadia Kounda


Summer Days
The members of a debt-ridden family reunite in an evanescent Tangier, running away from painful memories but at the same time clinging to a past they do not want to forget. Their childhood home and its magnificent estate are due to be sold in early autumn; increasingly, summer days fade into distant memory.
A Woman in the Shadow
Sara, a young and beautiful woman who has just come out of a divorce that affected her deeply, meets Said, who falls in love at first sight, leading to marriage, but the question arises, will this new marriage be enough to exorcise the demons of the past and allow for a happy life.
Женись на мне, чувак
Единственный способ для провалившего экзамен студента остаться в Париже — это фиктивный брак. Но найти невесту так быстро практически нереально. И тогда на помощь приходит лучший друг.
The Stand-In
A small film crew is wandering about Marrakesh and the surrounding desert. They are looking for locations for the remake of an American film in which a man swims his way home, passing through the houses and pools that he finds along the route. Corrado is the stand in used to test the shots, locations and the swimming pools in which the lead will be filmed. While we watch his attempts to get into the part, the real actors and a real crew burst onto the scene, on a set in which no one is in the right place. A film with a crisis of identity, in a surreal search for itself.
Volubilis is a tale of love in a world of despair, of beauty among the ruins. In the Moroccan city of Meknès, recently married Abdelkader and Malika struggle to make ends meet. They dream of leaving the family house and finally starting a life of their own together. But one day at work, Abdelkader gets mixed up in a violent incident that will turn their lives upside down.
Vote Bougon
Femme de l'Arabe
Paul Bougon ignites social media networks and public opinion after his brief participation in a television program. Having become an instant celebrity thanks to his outspokenness, he decides to go into politics and founds his own party. With the help of his devoted entourage and at the head of the PEN (Parti de l’Écœurement National) [National Disgust Party], he wins the elections and becomes Premier. The challenges of his new career place him in front of heartbreaking choices.
Certifiée Halal
The Birthday
During a reception organized on the occasion of Ghita's 44th anniversary, friends and family members of Said and Ghita will be confronted with unexpected events serious enough to provoke disturbing reactions, starting points of questioning the little material and emotional comforts by which all this little world was surrounded.
Париж любой ценой
Майя, восходящая звезда мира моды в Париже, собирается получить свою первую постоянную работу в знаменитом модном доме. Но как на зло обычная полицейская проверка выявляет, что срок её визы истёк, и её сразу депортируют в Марокко, в страну и семью, которую она хотела забыть. Майе остаётся сделать всё возможное и невозможное, чтобы попасть обратно в Париж.
The Rif Lover
Aya lives in a small village and spends her days sunbathing until her oldest brother secretly pimps her to a hashish trafficker called The Baron. Aya only has her naive notions of romance to help her control her destiny while she is in his clutches.
Three friends drive from Holland to Morocco to deliver a taxi to a family friend, but the trip turns out more complicated than expected.
The Rif Lover
Aya only dreams of finding love like her favorite opera character Carmen. But the person who steals her heart is a powerful hashish trafficker known as The Baron. After buying her virginity from her brothers, he soon reveals himself to be an illusory prince charming.