Flora Spencer-Longhurst

Flora Spencer-Longhurst


Flora Spencer-Longhurst


The Irish Connection
Alice Baker
A female British agent Aureille is sent to Ireland to investigate the robbery of Bearer Bonds by Rory Baker. Betrayed and set up by a Priest, the agent goes Rogue in Malta, dodging the Baker's ruthless hit men and worse, her own boss Miranda.
Say Your Prayers
TI Hodge
Two orphaned brothers turned radical Christian hitmen venture to rural Ilkley under the instruction of Father Enoch. Their mission: assassinate the famed atheist writer Professor John Huxley.
A Scottish chaplain embarks on an epic journey through space. Based on Michel Faber's 'The Book Of Strange New Things'.
RSC Live: Love's Labour's Won
Christopher Luscombe directs one of Shakespeare's great romantic comedies. Labour's Won the world has changed forever, the roaring ’20s just around the corner. With Edward Bennett and Michelle Terry as the sparring couple.
Royal Shakespeare Company: Love's Labour's Lost
Summer 1914. In order to dedicate themselves to a life of study, the King and his friends take an oath to avoid the company of women for three years. No sooner have they made their idealistic pledge than the Princess of France and her ladies-in-waiting arrive, presenting the men with a severe test of their high-minded resolve.
Стеклянный дом
Rachel Schoen
Военная драма о швейцарском дипломате Карле Лутце, который во время Второй мировой войны, рискуя жизнью, спасал евреев в оккупированном Будапеште. Треть всех спасенных венгерских евреев обязаны жизнью Карлу Лутцу. Он добился разрешения выдавать охранные письма, организовывал безопасные для евреев дома. Одним из таких домов-приютов был «Стеклянный дом» на улице Вадаша 29, здание бывшей фабрики по изготовлению стекла. Здесь нашли убежище 3 тысячи евреев. По окончании войны дипломат был обвинен в превышении власти и нарушении полномочий, однако позже правительство Швейцарии признало Карла Лутца за его благородную деятельность одним из самых выдающихся граждан за всю историю страны.
Titus Andronicus - Live at Shakespeare's Globe
A live performance of the tragedy "Titus Andronicus" by William Shakespeare. Set in Roman times, the play deals with the bloody revenge of Roman general Titus Andronicus for the atrocities committed against his family by Tamora, the captive queen of the Goths, and her faction. Grotesquely violent and daringly experimental, Titus was the smash hit of Shakespeare's early career, and is written with a ghoulish energy he was never to repeat elsewhere.
Losing It
Erica MacNaughton
Comedy-drama about an advertising executive whose struggle to meet the standards of his demanding boss is made more difficult when he is diagnosed with testicular cancer.