José Policena

José Policena


José Policena


O Picapau Amarelo
La Fontaine
Paixão de um Homem
Antônio Bento
A Marcha
Lopes Alvim
S. Bernardo
The story of Paulo Honório, a poor ploughman who becomes a rich farmer. Obsessed by his desire to get even richer, he doesn't pay much attention to his wife, Madalena, a teacher who reacts against his tyrannical ways.
Journey to Duilia's Breasts
Single retired civil servant decides to return to his hometown to meet his first and only love. But the woman he finds is just a spectre of his memory.
Lampião, King of the Badlands
Interpol llamando a Río
Two robbers flee to Brazil with a cabaret singer after robbing a bank.
Mãos Sangrentas
Maos Sangrentas translates to Bloody Hands in English, and that's just what this gruesome Brazilian melodrama delivers. The story begins when a gang of dangerous convicts escape from a penal colony. With the police in hot pursuit, the escapees cut a gory swath through the countryside. As his comrades are killed off one by one, the leader of the group descends into gibbering madness. In contrast to this, a subplot develops involving the least dangerous of the escapees, who murdered his wife in a peak of self-righteous rage and is now seriously in doubt about the wisdom of his deed. Principal scenes reworked in 1962 to make the film The Violent and the Damned (q.v.).
O Circo Chegou à Cidade
Absolutely Right
Pai de Zé do Lino
A man who's memorized his town's telephone directory tries his luck on a TV Show. But a small group of people who control the bettings in town try to get advantage of his simple-mindedness.
O Diamante
Там, где кончается асфальт
Juiz de menores
Это простой рассказ о водителях грузовых машин, о безвестных героях, которые и днем, и ночью, и в солнце, и в дождь по труднопроходимым дорогам Бразилии перевозят грузы с запада на восток, с севера на юг и связывают самые отдаленные города и посёлки.
Amei Um Bicheiro
Intent on offering his fiancée a better life, countryman heads for Rio de Janeiro in search of a place in the sun...
Noites de Copacabana
Pinguinho de Gente
Not available.