A brothel in a small Hungarian town becomes the home of a medical student after his favorite working girls find out he's out of rent money. Trouble brews as they learn his mother is coming for a visit and they must transform the house.
Действие фильма происходит в годы первой мировой войны. Сын богача Шандор был призван на военную службу, но все его обязанности состояли лишь в том, чтобы, надев солдатский мундир дважды в неделю, заглядывать в свой полк. Остальное время он обычно проводил в таверне. Однажды Шандор познакомился с красивой служанкой Вильмой. Между ними завязывается роман. Шандор тщательно скрывал от Вильмы, что принадлежит к высшему обществу, и выдавал себя за сына крестьянина. С каждым днём он всё больше привязывался к девушке, которая отвечала ему взаимностью, верила, что они вскоре поженятся. Но однажды Вильма узнаёт правду о происхождении Шандора и не может простить ему обмана…
Ágnes, Vass and Kriszt run a sanatorium for consumptives. Fifi, daughter of the institute owner is also here, mortally ill. Feri, the ski trainer relieves her with his courtship every now and then from her boredom and distress.
Theatre Play
A wealthy playboy surreptitiously romances a scullery maid to gain access to her mistress with whom he is in love, but doesn't count on the maid falling in love with him.
Original Story
По рассказу Александера Хуньяди. Забавная история о любви горничной Катерины (Франческа Гааль) и богатого бездельника Ганса.
Az Uj Foldesur (The New Squire) was based on a novel by popular Hungarian author Maurice Jokal, whose many works had previously been largely ignored. After the wars of 1848, a retired Austrian army officer "returns to the soil" as a gentleman farmer in Hungary in the 1850s. The old campaigner is the father of two daughters: One of the girls comes to a sad end thanks to the malfeasances of a handsome spy, but the other has a happier fate when she falls in love with a Hungarian POW. The underlying theme is brotherhood, as the formerly warring Austrians and Hungarians at last find a common ground. Az Uj Foldesur was nearly twice as expensive as the average Hungarian film -- but at $40,000, its budget was a drop in the bucket compared to a typical Hollywood production.
Theatre Play
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.